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Posts posted by bobetlindsey

  1. Howdy doody, I will start by saying that I am a citizen if Van Horn TX, and while myself and hand full of others do work at improving our town, we recognize that a town with out the proper leadership will always find it very hard to prosper, and while I applaud all of your responses to the stupid ordinance regarding your short stays in and around our area.

    I must with all due respect ask you for a little more tolerance, we in Van Horn have identified the problem, and are working to make the changes. We have, for sometime, had to endure the pompus, arrogance of a handful of city leaders without a vision, but without a doubt some influence over this small community but if you choose to believe me or not we need you, to help us the willing, and open minds to help make the transition.

    For more info please contact me at my e-mail: uriasfamily77@att.net

    Having spent a lot of money in Van Horn and knowing the ex mayor, before the Hispanic community booted him and put their lady anti gringo, anti Rv, anti everything not hispanic into office, Van Horn went to he11 very quickly. The area behind the Pilot station that is now a truck parking area, did belong to the Catholic church and they had given us permission to park there over the years, when we were in town. We now go through town without stopping but long for the good old days where we could stop, fuel, eat at the cafe next to Pilot, shop the small stores on Rt 66 and get some much needed rest. Hopefully someday it will return to the friendly Texas town it was, but I doubt it will happen.

  2. I'am very disappointed in coach-net, they don`t fix everything. There are many certain things they cannot help you with. It`s a temporary fix .

    For example, if you have a flat tire or dead battery, they will jump start you, or change your tire if you have a spare. They don`t go into great detail. They will get you help, but you pay for it. For me it`s not worth the money spent. I have AAA road service and well satisfied with there service.


    You better hope you do NOT need AAA for your RV in one of their NON covered areas.........AAA is NOT one company nationwide, but is 51 separate small companies with very different rules in each area. MOST do NOT cover RVs and will NOT even provide you the courtesy of dispatching the needed service with you paying.....Check for yourself, if you doubt what I say.

  3. Not to sound like a renegade, but if you live 1000 miles away, why not ignore the ticket?

    Not in Florida.......Florida will suspend your driving privileges in Florida then issue an arrest warrant for not paying a parking ticket, so I can image that they will surly issue an arrest warrant for not paying a traffic ticket, along with a suspension of driving privileges....In today's world, all states are on the same page and your home state will probably suspend your driving privileges also for failure to pay in another state....

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