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  1. I just had the wiring kit installed for the "Jeep Wobble" and now trying to get reimbursement from FCA. It appears to me that a major problem is with the case managers. Each one seems to be able to independently decide whether you get reimbursed, or not. The case manager that I just spoke with told me that the addendum to the owners manual was due to a misprint in the original manual and that towing was an option that required the kit. I advised him that the only requirement for flat towing at the time I purchased the Trailhawk was the Active Drive II transmission and that the subsequent addendum was due to a discovered problem, not a misprint. Case manager would not budge from his decision. FMCA can you speak to FCA and try to get continuity with FCA on reimbursement? We should not individually have to fight this issue; this should have been made clear by FCA at the beginning as to financial responsibility especially since the majority of us are still under warranty and all of us probably bought this vehicle due to it's ability to flat tow. If nothing can be done with FMCA's help would any members who have not been reimbursed be willing to pay for an attorney to send a letter to FCA representing us as a group rather than each of us fighting on our own? I have found a letter from an attorney costs very little money but can have big results.
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