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  1. Eighteen months ago we enjoyed a great trip to San Carlos, Mexico, with the Tucson Drifters, a local FMCA chapter. We were about 16 coaches, traveling in two convoys an hour apart. We had no unpleasant experiences in Mexico except for the traffic jam returning north across the border at Nogales. One of the two border crossings was badly delayed because the other crossing point was at the termination of the toll road and a major accident had closed the toll road, rerouting everyone to the one downtown crossing point. A motorcycle police saw our situation and asked the lead coach if we would like to follow him across town to the nearly vacant crossing. We all fell in line and were across the border expeditiously. The town and the beaches were beautiful, the people were gracious and with our wagonmasters, who had until recently owned a condo there and knew 'everyone', we were never strangers in their country. No one can predict the level of safety that we or anyone else can expect in any part of Mexico, but the old adage applies: Don't drive at night, don't get drunk, don't be an 'ugly American', and of course, NEVER carry a gun or ammunition into Mexico. It is a beautiful country and wonderful people, but somewhat spoiled by the dope traders. So go at your own risk but don't be overly frightened by the reports coming out of Mexico. The vast majority of problems concern only those who are directly connected to the drug trade. Morris
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