We are full timers and were hot spotting our Verizon iPhones for our Internet and TV streaming data service, we soon noticed that Verizon started throttling to the point we could not watch streaming video. YES Verizon says UNLIMITED but the small print says UP TO *****.
Sick of being extorted by Verizon and fully aware of who’s got the largest network and so on, we decided to cut back our Verizon Unlimited Plan changing to their 8gig plan saving $50 (not including the extra overage charges) We decided to try out the Sprint device which costs $50 unlimited.
This is still year one, but we have yet to have no service from Sprint, we have enjoyed quality images on our Amazon Streaming, with no apparent throttling and no overage charges whatsoever!
We realize the day may come when Sprint fails us, we will deal with that when it comes.
Our ONLY disappointment so far was when I logged into Sprint.com to view our account. I was shocked to see that Sprint only Charges $39.99 for their Hot Spot Unlimited service and that FMCA is topping that up with a whopping 20% fee. I feel that is a bit excessive.