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About drs8352

  • Birthday May 24

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    Winder, GA
  • I travel

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  1. Manholt https://www.edometic.com/allusr/sp.nsf/o/626FACCE57041D4C85257CA80007CFB1?OpenDocument&i=i Link is schematic for slide awning, endcap is #522. I think you are referring to a different endcap as this one is riveted on. Still on the hunt for an inexpensive solution. Thank you
  2. I've seen some of the RVGeek videos, all were installing a new roller and or fabric. Will look further for roller torsion bar replacement. I called Dometic on my lunch hour and they were out to lunch. They are on my list for Monday. Spoke to Tiffin parts department and they have an entire unit with fabric for $175 plus tax and shipping, best price I have found. If replacement of the end cap does not work out I will go with their replacement. I wondered if the failure was due to something wrong with the torsion bar? Time to enjoy a long Easter weekend. Robert
  3. 2008 Tiffin Allegro 34 TGA. Dometic awning model #86103FJ-0901. No pictures at this time. I was able to find the installation manual and the part number 522. I understand the tension aspect, was wondering since the torsion bar is on the right do I have to release the tension to replace the left end cap? In the past, finding parts for older models through the original manufacturer is onerous and usually not helpful. I will give Dometic and Tiffin a call. Appreciate the responses. Let me know if you have any further suggestions. I will report back with results, may take a while. Thank you. Robert
  4. The left end cap on a right hand roller assembly of my bedroom slide out sheared the rivets which resulted in fatal damage to the end cap. I am looking to find a replacement end cap and repair it myself. Any help finding an end cap would be appreciated. I need to know how to safely remove the damaged end cap. Is the repair done with the slide in or out? Do I need to prevent the torsion bar from unwinding with cotter pins before disassembling the left side? The flange appears to be pinned to the roller bar, is it removable or do I have to drill it out and replace? Any other tips or tricks would be much appreciated. I would rather not spend $300+ for a new assembly. In return, I offer this bit of information. Oscar rivets are known outside the RV world as tri fold rivets. A pack of 6 from RV suppliers ranges from $10-15. A pack of 25 excluding tax and shipping is $15 from albanycountyfasteners.com. Thank you
  5. drs8352

    California '12

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