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I myself have not served in the military but my youngest son is currently serving in the army. I thank anyone who serves or is serving. My wife and I have recently upgraded to a 2003 Journey DL with hopes to make a trip from Indiana to JBLM to visit with him. We live in the best Country in the world because of the brave men and women who are willing to put their lives aside to defend our way of life and do not get enough in return for their sacrifice. THANK YOU!

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  On 8/8/2019 at 12:37 PM, csmart94 said:

I myself have not served in the military but my youngest son is currently serving in the army. I thank anyone who serves or is serving. My wife and I have recently upgraded to a 2003 Journey DL with hopes to make a trip from Indiana to JBLM to visit with him. We live in the best Country in the world because of the brave men and women who are willing to put their lives aside to defend our way of life and do not get enough in return for their sacrifice. THANK YOU!


  On 8/8/2019 at 12:37 PM, csmart94 said:

I myself have not served in the military but my youngest son is currently serving in the army. I thank anyone who serves or is serving. My wife and I have recently upgraded to a 2003 Journey DL with hopes to make a trip from Indiana to JBLM to visit with him. We live in the best Country in the world because of the brave men and women who are willing to put their lives aside to defend our way of life and do not get enough in return for their sacrifice. THANK YOU!

You will love the Seattle area and Ft Lewis is  to be admired. Take a tour if they have them and go to the museum. FL if the Army 75 Ranger Bat Hdqs.  If  you have time go to Pt Angeles across the sound on the Peninsula a very nice CG Salt Creek is there. Tell Arick I sent you. Make reservations it is very crowded to get in. Also, this time of year Coho are starting to return to Quilcene National Fish Hatchery Ron WOng is the manager and it is a wonder to see 1,000's of Cohon Salmon. 

Your son can get you on the Sub base at Bremerton. 

In all you will have a great time and the seafood is to fight for. There is a BBQ Rib place in Tacoma not far from Macy's that is or was very good.



Terry Army Vet



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Thanks Terry, my wife and I drove out there over Memorial weekend to deliver his personal effects, Truck, motorcycle and etc. It is a very nice place. Am I to understand your a Cav Scout?

That is what my son is (19D). He graduated from Ft. Benning at the end of February and shipped to JBLM the same day.  We are hoping to make a trip there in the motorhome maybe next year. I will tell my son about the Coho, he likes to fish. They are prepping for NTC in California right now so he has been busy. Thanks again for the info.


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Your son may make arrangements for you to stay/sponsor you, at the military famcamp there,  you'll be able to read all about it at  http://militarycampgrounds.us/washington/fort-lewis-travel-camp  He is the sponsor, and responsible for your stay and behavior. If you choose to do this, the detailed driving instructions on the website are accurate.

That is a great area, I was stationed there in the late 60's. A drive up Mt. Rainier -in summer, is amazing, especially when you see the mountain from the CG.

A soldier needs a great support network, thank you for that.

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