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About rayin

  • Birthday 12/25/1942

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  • Interests
    RVing, shooting sports, hunting,
  • I travel

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  1. There are 2 different Kwikee systems; pre-IMGL and IMGL. You must have the correct components. Kwikee Products Service Training Manual
  2. At this point about all you can do is obtain written statements of their position on this matter for future substantiation in case of further damage. Keep in contact with Grand Design customer service, kinda like the squeaky wheel analogy. Communicate via email or snail mail, so you have everything in writing. Document everything said JIC this goes to legal action.
  3. The Splendide service manual is no help. It just says to remove the retainer clip and pull the diaphragn back enough to replace door switch. I suggest you call Westlandsales @ 1-800-365-0766. They are excellent with helping.
  4. Yep; DW had dining room, kitchen, and both bathrooms remodeled 11 years ago.$$$$$
  5. I normally don't listen to speeches, but I agree- yesterday was a good day.
  6. Ugh; stuck at home; 5°F at 13:25 hrs. That's improved, -1°F at 07:00 hrs. Considering Southern building designs, you guys are having to winterize your homes
  7. We're nearly over "the crud'. Now that we're feeling good again we have so much snow we can't go anywhere. The state and county had the highways in good shape, so it snowed again all day Friday and into Sat morning-snowed in again. We've gotta make a grocery run, plus I'm about out of Kerosene for my garage torpedo heater. I do have a slight case of cabin fever...
  8. It's RSV. Look it up, it's highly contagious and easily transmittable, more so than COVID-19. There is no cure, it just has to run it's course. The vaccine doesn't prevent one from contracting the virus; supposedly makes it milder. I guess now is the best time to be down with something, we got 3" light snow today, followed by a rain/sleet mix for a few hours. It began snowing heavily about 21:30. I had my tractor ready for pushing snow, loader bucket on, yard box on 3-pt hitch, fuel tank full. Then I needed to move some heavy timbers last week and switched to the pallet forks, got sick and couldn't put bucket back on, now I can't switch back because of this darned RSV, and my heart rate is running between 43 -55 BPM. DW is sitting on me like a mother hen.
  9. I begin each days driving at 8AM and try to arrive at a CG for that night by 3PM. This somewhat insures I'll find a parking site. This fits my daily driving limit of 300 miles per day. When you get in FL, from the center of the state and south, locating a parking site might be unsuccessful in Feb. unless you have reservations already. BTW, if kaypsmith is still RVing, he's an expert on MCI bus'
  10. Wayne, I know you'll cherish all the memories you made; stay the course my friend. You have my cell phone# whenever you need an ear to listen. Last Sat. DW and I attended a breakfast at the American Legion post. We contracted something, now we are both down with a deep cough and fever. DW is worse than I am. We're treating the symptoms as if its COVID19_again.
  11. Welcome to the discussion forums! My MH was parked in a barn for 8 yrs., so speaking from experience, start a savings program to cover maintenance costs now.. I was lucky, my MH was within the time limit for an extended service contract through Good Sam. Nothing happened to the chassis, but the ESC more than paid out my premium cost and claim deductibles fixing things in/on the coach/house. Your MH is too old to qualify for an ESC, thus the recommendation above. Each appliance should be serviced now before your trip. You can download appliance service manuals from: https://myrvworks.com/manuals/
  12. Merry Christmas everyone! My wife is doing better; sale of MH is on hold while we wait and see in the spring.
  13. rayin


    That's great! For an example of how NOT to design a discussion forum website, go look at the newly-redesigned Good Sam discussion forums. It's like the project was sub-let to an elementary school class; I quit that website. Something I'd like to see addressed is the issue of, if a member doesn't join a chapter, they have absoluteiy no say in how the organization operates. This forum is their only channel to management.
  14. rayin


    A few years ago I stopped paying dues because DW became ill and could not travel. This fall she improved enough to begin taking our MH out for short 4-5 day trips this coming spring. This doubling of dues turned her off to FMCA, so I will not be re-newing my membership and removing the FMCA emblems from our MH. This is sad to see happen, when all one has to do is look back and realize when the decline began in ernest, and take appropriate actions to undo what was done to perpetrate the decline. Sure, returning to a MH only club will result in the loss of towables owners, you just have to re-adjust the business accordingly. I initially joined to be part of an exclusive MH club, now there's little difference between FMCA and Good Sam club. Since these forums are open, I will continue to converse with my internet friends and acquaintances as I am permitted.
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