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Looking To Rent A Type B In Southern California In Oct 09

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I can not help you much. However, have you got on the Roadtrek, or one of the other "B" builders to see if they have a list of dealers in your area. Some of them sometimes rent motor homes. Recently my son called me to ask if him and his wife could use our Roadtrek. I really gave it some thought and told him no. I know dealers sometimes rent MH's and I always think of the movie RV. It took us a year of using ours before we were comfotable with all the things that we need to know.

I am not saying this to discourage you, But I wouldn't rent or loan ours to anyone. Well, maybe, but they would have to have had a MH for quite a while and me know them very well. There is just so much to know about them and you can mess up real easy, I have. Being in law inforcement you know some of the stupid things people do on the road. For one thing they are top heavy, If have not wrecked, but it took me a couple of tight corners to learn that they are top heavy and taller than a car.

Hey man, Good luck. And some of you others who read this make comments, but let's not discourage him, just caution. He would do the same for us if he stopped us. lol

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