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New Coach Considerations

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I am a new member with FMCA and am giving consideration to buy a Fleetwood Revolution LE motor home (Model 40E or a 42K). What do I need to consider in favor or not in favor to buying this specific motor home? My wife and I are full-timers, gone on the road 8 - 10 months a year. Are there any problem areas I need to check out first regarding this coach? Thanks for your help. I look forward to meet some of you experienced travelers soon.

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Hi, hope you have experience with a big rig, because that one is huge! Remember to make wide turns, check your mirrors first. Be careful not to drive under anything that won't have enough clearance for your roof. Be extra careful when backing up, it's easy to miss something, even with cameras. Take care, and have fun!

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There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing any coach. There are books published on the subject and organizations devoted to educating the RV consumer. I'd advise that you do some checking on the web looking for some of that information.

For full timers, there is the storage space, convenience of operation of utilities, comfort of ride, fuel economy, kitchen space, adequate heating and cooling for the areas you plan to frequent. Does the unit fit the kind of travel you want to do? A friend of ours bought a Class A but couldn't get it into the state and national parks they wanted to visit so they sold it and went to a pick-up camper. That has been sold because they couldn't stand the rough ride. Now they have a Class C. They aren't full timers but they have been through the whole range of RV's trying to find something that fits their camping style.

So many factors such as the amount of ventilation available (I like big windows with screens for ventilation), the steps, how difficult will it be to get the groceries into the rig after each shopping trip? Are the headlights bright enough for night driving if/when you have to drive after dark? How does the motor home turn. Is the rear end so long that it swings wide when you turn. If it is, you might knock over a few picnic tables when you pull out of sites! What is the useful load of the motor home? After fuel, propane and fresh water tanks are full, how much weight is left for what you plan to take with you. For full timers, there should be 3000 to 5000 pounds of carrying capacity beyond the full fuel and water tanks. Anything less than 3000 could result in an overloaded (and dangerous) coach unless you are a really light packer and resolved not to load up on any extra materials as you live in your coach.

Can you see the TV comfortably? Is the bed comfortable? How quiet is it inside the unit at night when parked near a highway? Don't laugh, lots of campgrounds are right next to the railroad tracks! Will the unit handle the weight of the toad you have or plan to have? Check the weight rating of the hitch and the Gross Combined Vehicle Weight Rating. Will the weight distribution work? Some coaches have fuel, water and waste tanks located such that significant weight shifts can occur as fuel, water, wastes are added or removed.

Notice, I'm asking lots of questions. These are just a sampling of the things you need to measure any coach you think you might want to buy. Neither you nor I can think of all this stuff so that is why I suggest you consult some of the resources available in book stores and on the web to help you analyze your possible purchases. Remember, you're looking at a very large purchase. Take you time and consider all the possibilities.

Enjoy the journey, welcome to FMCA and welcome to another full timer!

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