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People are the best part of RV life

2-11-15 OK it's time for the rest of you to laugh. It's getting down to 30 here in Pensacola tonight. It still beats minus something and waste deep snow, but Ruth and I did come down here for the warm weather. Tonight we gave a highly recommended restaurant "Peg Leg Pete's" located on Pensacola Beach a try. Many people told us they are the best in the area for crab. That's of little importance to me since I can't eat shellfish but Ruth wanted to try it since she has never eaten fresh crab legs




Melvin joins Blue Angels

2-10-2015 Today was a great day for Melvin. He finally got his leather flight jacket and goggles. In celebration we took several photos at the National Naval Aviation Museum. While there we reviewed a wonderful display of vintage aircraft dating back to 1909. Not only is this a must see if you are in the Pensacola area, it's FREE! We spent about 5 hours there, but could have stayed for a couple days if we wanted to study every display in detail and take the guided tour. They also have an IMAX




Dustin on the Emerald Coast

2-8-15 Today we decided to drive to Dustin FL. It's about 50 miles from our CG in Milton. This city is also on the "Emerald Coast" highway. Compared to Navarre it is much more developed. Many McMansions and hotels/condos the size of Las Vegas casinos. Public Beaches are either private or smaller and hard to find with even harder to find parking. If you need things to keep the kids happy, or like bar life then this may be a good choice. We were interested when we saw many party boats for rent




Love P-cola FL

FL 2-7-15 Today it was a mere 67 degrees with lovely blue skies. The morning was spent doing a few errands. Once it warmed up we headed for the beach in Navarre. It only took about 40 minutes. Here's a travel tip. If you want to visit the greater Pensacola area, Milton is a great place for home base. Now back to the beach. Navarre is another white sand beach on the Gulf. This one goes on for about 30 miles. When we arrived today we were told we had missed the Mardi Gras parade. We would have




Gracie gets her stomach pumped

FL 2-5-15 We woke up to a rainy day. After raining hard most of the night it stopped by 9 ans we began getting ready for our move to Tallahassee. The site was muddy and by the time I completed the outside work so was I. We were parked in a difficult site with trees everywhere and a narrow street in front of us. But with Ruth's guidance I was able to pull out in one attempt and didn't hit anything. In a few minutes we had the Burb hooked up and were on our way. I-75 is an easy drive and the new




Ruth gets carded

FL 2-4-15 The only thing I have to report is yesterday's news. When we went out for breakfast yesterday we went to IHOP. They have several items on their menu for Seniors over 55. Ruth picked one of those and when our table servicer took the order, she asked Ruth for ID. They didn't ask for mine. Maybe they thought I was her father. When Ruth was old enough to drink they carded her and now that she's old enough for SSI she still gets carded. Made her day! Tomorrow is a travel day so I probably




Melvin gets a shocking experiance

FL 2-2-15 Today was moving day. 224 mile north to Alliance RV in Wildwood. We have service scheduled tomorrow. New Koni shocks. That should improve our ride a bit. The place is Huge and Mega busy. Glad I scheduled 10 days ahead. They have their own CG with about 50 slots and let you stay for free while service work is being done. Nice spacious sites, water and elec only. I'm sure they have a dump station somewhere on property. As we were in leaving Pine Island this morning and George, the GPS,




Melvin goes to Sarasota

FL 1-31-15 Today was fairly simple. I spent some time replacing the connector for the Burb lights when towing. I crunched it the last time I folded up the hitch for storage. About 2 PM we took off for Yoders restaurant in Sarasota. We called some more Bradford friends, Jarna any Gary Perkins and Joyce and Perry Tiel, to meet us there. We thought we we meeting half way for both of us. But as it turned out they stay in Venice and it was out of the way for all. Who cares? The food was plentiful




Sanibel Island

FL 1-30-15 Today was a beach day. Well at least afternoon. Although it was only 75 here, it felt plenty warm for us. This time we decided to check out Sanibel Island, specifically Shell Harbor. It took us just about an hour to get there. No direct routes when you are island hopping. First make note: this and all beaches we could find on Sanibel have only paid parking lots. Three dollars per hour. That can add up quickly. The good news is they were all dog friendly. As we got to the end of the




Melvin gets too close

FL 1-29-15ia We were up early today to start our day. Well 7 AM is early for a retired couple. By 8 the Burb was headed for doggie day care. Oscar got another day in Pamperville while the rest of us went SW on route 41. That took us trough Naples. Ruth and I still can't believe we traveled 30 miles and never ran out of stores. Everything from furniture to Wendy's. Who buys at this many stores? Once we passed Tin City, In Bonita Springs, several restored warehouse type buildings that were onc




Melvin goes to Edison winter home

FL 1-27-15 Today Oscar went to Doggy Day Care for the first time. Since Ruth and I wished to see some sites that were not dog friendly, we webulated for dog care. One popped up between us and the place we wanted to go so we decided to try it. Turns out it was quite the place. The Pet Corral Resort, located in Cape Coral, had two large outdoor fenced exercise areas (one for large and one for small dogs). It also had grooming and veterinarian services! With Oscar settled in Pamperville, we too




Oscar goes missing!

1-26-15 Yesterday was a down day. Saturday afternoon we walked to the function hall and enjoyed an hour of Gospel singing quartet. What else when the State is half southern Baptist. That was followed by a very tasty meatloaf dinner at a mere $6 a plate. Before going to bed last night I had "Black tank" duty. That went fine, I'm getting use to it. However, I left the door to Gracie open. As the last light went out we realized Oscar was nowhere to be found. As I hurried to get dressed and comen




Melvin smells something funny

2-23-15 Today we took off in search of Billy's swamp tours. That didn't work out so well. Garmin could not find him and after 120 miles and 3 stops for directions I gave up. Perhaps I'll try again when we head for alligator alley next week. We did manage to see quite a bit of the country side. At one point we even stopped to watch sugar cane being harvested. Interesting machine for that task. As we left the fields we spotted the processing plant in the distance. Lake Okeechobee is easy to fin




Melvin finds his own Castle

1-22-15 Today we took a 60 mile drive to Fort Meyers. Nothing to talk about along the way, but plenty when we got there. First we just meandered through downtown and then headed South along the shoreline. Well, as close as we could get. We admired all the lovely homes a a string of McMansions. Including Henry Ford's and his friend Thomas Edison's. While searching for a dog friendly public beach, we stumbled upon a Perkins and stopped in for lunch. In just a few more miles we found the beach fo




Sebring and ice cream

1-2-15 Yesterday was a busy day and by the time we returned and watched the State of the Union address I was in no mood to write the blog. The day started as usual by taking Oscar for a walk. As I approached the large pond in the CG, I saw the sign you see at the top of this article. I don't think it was there as a joke, so I promptly steered Oscar away. Buy 11 we we're on our why to Sebring, 60 miles north, to visit Dave and Jan Pickman from Bradford. GPS found them without difficulty. After




Now we found sugar cane fields

1-19-15 Nothing specific planned for today, so I had a few things to fix on Gracie. Tie up the TV wires was first, then I leveled the wall mount. I was really tired of looking at a tilted picture. An easy adjustment that was waiting for a level parking spot. Next I moved on to airing up the tires. Not so good here. The air fitting hadn't been used for who knows how long and needed replacement. 20 miles to hardware store ^*%#{". Get parts and save that job for another day. Instead I spray lubed




Orange Groves Everywhere

F1-17-15 Yesterday was a banner day. Nothing to do but a trip to HD. We slept in until 9:30. The grill was already out so it was a good time to try out the grill mat I purchased at the RV show. It's primary use is cooking vegetables, but it's intended to stay on the grill all the time. So I decided to cook some bacon. It worked like magic. The bacon browned nicely and all the grease stayed on the mat. Clean up later was a cinch. Wipe the worst with paper towels, then heat it up and wipe the res




All is good in the hood

1-16-15 Today we enjoyed the fun of good neighbors. Ruth took Oscar for his morning walk and met a couple from Nottingham NH just across the road. When I went out to have a cigar, I met our neighbor to the left. He is recently retired and sells jewelry, his wife makes, at rallies, flea markets, and such. Just across the road I met a Viet Nam Marine vet. His wife and he have 5 small dogs. And we think Oscar is a hand full. About 11AM we headed for a Mega RV show at the tampa fairgrounds. Dan th




All settled in

1-15-15 Out last night in a motel gave us good reason to appreciate owning a motorhome. From the time we entered until past midnight, we had to listen to slamming doors, shouting voices and moving furniture. (No, I didn't ask what that was all about). As a result Ruth and I woke up tired and ready get out of there. We arrived at our CG about 11 to get Gracie out of storage. With fingers crossed, Ruth entered first. Oh happy day. No musty smell and no sign of critters. I checked the battery mon




I saw where Sponge Bob lives

1-13-15 Actually got a great nights sleep. Up at 8 and ready to go by 9. We hit the Waffle House on our way back to the highway. Just as I started up the Burb, I realized I didn't try the Waffles! Oh well my eggs and hash browns were just fine. Drizzly rain and more fog today. Slow going, but we hope to make Jacksonville. Nothing exciting on the road today. Made Jacksonville about 7 PM and we were beat. However it was eat a good supper night. We found a stake house and I had a wonderful file




On our way back to Melvin and Gracie

After many days of travel with difficulty logging into FMAC all is well. I continued to write as we traveled, so I suggest reading in date order. Another journey began yesterday. The first 500 miles took us to Elizabethtown PA. We left NH at 9:30 (nearly on schedule). We stopped for lunch at Alexis Diner in Newburgh NY. They have a grand menu with breakfast at any time of day. Over the years I have stopped here many times and was never disappointed. This time I decided on fajitas. Ruth select




Heading North in the Burb

12-8-14 We were up at 8 and getting Gracie ready for a 5 week sleep as we return to NH for the holidays. All went on schedule and we were waving goodbye to Gracie by 11 AM. Another oranges for sale sign caused us to stop in before we left FL. Ruthie found a bonus while waiting to be checked out. Pecan Pralines!!! They are a weekness of mine and she bought both plain and chocolate. Oh happy day. Only fresh pecans can satisfy my craving. Trust me, fresh makes all the difference. After Ruthie ha




Dog days in FLORDIA

12-6-14 After seemingly spinning our wheels getting acclimated to this new life, we finally decided it was time for a Lazy Day on the beach. We did a bit of webulating and selected St. Petersburg. By the time we climbed in the Burb, the ski was all blue and the temp was up to 82! In less than one hour we arrived at our destination. Out with Oscar, a couple towels, and the lawn chairs and down the boarded walk we go. At the last turn, just as we could see the white sand, we slap saw a sign st




I'm not the only one

12-5-14 Last night ended with being trapped in our new recliner. No matter what I did I could not get the foot rest to go down. So I finally climbed out. Not a great move for a bad back. So, my plan was to drive back to CW (camping world) early this AM. When I stepped out of Gracie this morning our CG neighbors for the past week were packing up. Skip and his DW Karen are long time campers but as I am, rookie owners of a DP (diesel pusher). In fact they just bought it this week. Anyway we che




Wonderful days and sleepless nights

12-4-14 Yesterday was a whirlwind. For starters it was the second day in a row that I had not slept a wink. So when we returned from the days activities I was spent. No energy left to write. Even so, last night made it 3 nights in a row without enough sleep. Although I did manage about 2 hours sleep from 5 to 7 AM. If it wasn't for " Ask a nurse" I doubt I'd have gotten that. I called my sister Bonnie (She's the retired nurse. I also have our daughter Christine that's a nurse) to discuss my ail



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