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We All Live In a Yellow Submarine!

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They sound like a couple of angels now, our two grandsons, ages 7 and 8, snoozing on the foldout bed. They have been raised as close as cousins could be and they prize their time together. So I thought it would be a good idea to take the pair on an RV adventure. This will test my mettle, putting them together is like putting a couple of Uranium atoms close together! Stuff happens. It's just good ol' boy stuff. This evening they hauled rocks from one place to another for a while. Then they found the two toads! I made sure those were released, only slightly traumatized, into the woods. They ride bikes like demons and play make-believe all the time. I had to wait my turn on my computer this evening while they played chess! Their game leaves a great deal to be desired, but they love it and someday in the not-too-distant future, they'll be beating Grandpa!

We are about to set out on an 11- day tour to Evansville, Indiana, Jeffersonville, IN, Louisville, KY, Indianapolis, IN and then Springfield, IL. We have a zoo, a candy factory, a baseball bat factory, a children's museum and an historical site on the agenda. In between, we'll ride bicycles, play tennis, go hiking and learn to be good campers. So tonight we're almost ready to go. The boys, true to form, couldn't wait for the trip to begin. So despite the fact we are still parked in my daughter's driveway, they have moved in and are spending the night with Grandpa.

Where is Grandma, you ask? Well, this is Bridge night for the Phila Bridge Club which she has been a member of for nearly 40 years. She misses their games when we are traveling so when we are back in Missouri, she makes that card game a priority. When we travel she writes a two-page letter to her ladies each month with some of the news of our activities. In years past she has occasionally flown from whereever we are back to Missouri for their weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. Can you imagine eight women staying in two condos at the lake? Roommates, late-night card games, snacks and spirits ... it sounds like college days all over again. Last year she came back from the weekend having played 500 games of Bridge. This is serious fun. Yes, there is a traveling trophy. She will be home soon and tomorrow when the boys wake, ready to get this trip on the road, she'll pay for her late night!

Tomorrow I have a few outdoor jobs before we roll, and she will have the inside of the house to contend with. We plan to be on the road as Grandma would say, "at the crack of 10." So think of this as a great mystery novel. Who will be the survivor? Who will walk away from this adventure and who will crawl? Who was it that thought this would be a good idea? Uh ...

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Factory tours, a museum, a historical site. Plus tennis, hiking and of course, motorhoming camping. I bet your grandkids may be the ones who crawl away from this adventure. They're lucky to have grandparents like you to take them on such a trip. You'd better get some rest now ....

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