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Melvin joins the RCMP



blog-0813670001402277425.jpgWoke up to blue sky today. After a review of points of interest on Garmin we decided to head for the water front. Melvin has been good, so we took him along in Lucy. The pier was bustling with activity. Musicians, brake dancers, and vendors in the beautiful 70 degree weather with a gentle breeze. When we stopped to enjoy a solo bag piper,Melvin had a spiritual moment. As amazing grace was played, he decided to join the RCMP. IN NO TIME AT ALL HE WAS IN FULL UNIFORM! To celebrate the occasion we drove to Peggy's' cove. What a terrific choice. The skies were all blue, the ocean was calm, and we could see at least 20 miles. After a trip to the gift shop to buy a Christmas ornament (a lobster trap) we took a few photos of this magical place and headed back to the campground.

Tonight was our 1st cookout. Salad, baked potatoes, steak tips and a small pecan pie for desert. We also had cheese and crackers while waiting for the potatoes to cook and drank 2 lt. of wine. We should sleep well tonight.blogentry-40551-0-02386300-1402274481_thblogentry-40551-0-95480000-1402274771_th


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The picture of the bay with houses in the background looks like it would make a great jigsaw puzzle ~ very picturesque. So glad to hear that Melvin is behaving himself again!

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At last....a sunny day!

Peggy's Cove is amazing, and it is a must see.

I'm glad Melvin has joined the RCMP to keep you two in line.

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