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From Tampa to Everywhere....



blog-0051798001409915790.jpgI asked myself, can a recently retired mathematics instructor of 45 years ever be able to write of her travels, to entice others to explore, and not put everyone to sleep!

After reading another blog entry here, "Adding Purpose to Your RV Travel," I decided to give it a try, stretch my skills and hope for the best. At the very least, someone will correct my grammar, punctuation and run-on sentences!

In 2007 I bought a new 36-foot Coachman Aurora with a full-wall slide (which are quite common now). At 61, my wanderlust had grown to the capacity of an 8-month pregnant pickle/ice cream craving mother.

Lazydays in Tampa was the location of my driving school. The instructor saw me get out of a BMW Z4 and asked how comfortable was I making the transition to a Class A coach? My answer ... I'll get used to it.

I have to see the country, and that's all there is to it!

Seven years later -- which included 43,000 miles and five trips around the good 'ol USA -- and I'm just getting started!

Stay tuned ....


Recommended Comments

I'm looking forward to hearing more about your travels. You picked a great name for your blog and picked a good title to start.

J. Dawg

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