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I can't figure how to get dates, a schedule of when you will be at each of these locations.  We'll  be on the Phoenix to Albuquerque stretch, then we're headed down I-10 to San Antonio and I-37 to Corpus Christi (I think that overlaps with your travels).  But I can't get time information to see if we'll be there or anywhere near where you will be.  Time, it's the fourth dimension.  Ships passing in the night and such...

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I'm thinking we will be passing south of Phoenix around the middle of Nov. However, we are considering going up to Phoenix to get the coach professionally detailed at ANS. That would also be around the middle of Nov. Are you a member of RVillage? We do location updates there.

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Not on RVillage, spending way too much time on the computer already.  We're in Arizona and New Mexico in early October.  Mid-October we'll be in Corpus Christi and headed south to our winter retreat.  Maybe next year.

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We are shooting to be in Houston Nov 4th but looks like you will be past that already. I have a friend in Houston that started a lunch earlier this year. He does Cajun food and is really doing good. Supposed to be some kind of lunch truck festival Nov 4th so we want to be there and surprise him. Here is a video he did when they first started up. If you like Cajun food, this is the real deal. I'm sure we will meet up at some point but until then, safe journey.


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Well, Houston is out. From Oklahoma, we will head to Wichita Falls and then off to Lubbock TX. My friend lost his lunch truck, his personal truck and his condo. He has really been hit hard. The whole area is going to need help and will be on the mend so I think unless you really need to be there, we will stay out of the way.

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