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Kids on the road

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After 13,000 miles, 38 states and nearly 5 months of travel, we have one wish: To find families who do the same thing as we are doing. There is a great shortage of kids in motor homes that travel with their families on around-the-country trips. The "Class A" motor home parks sometimes cater to kids (at least somewhat) but even the local chapters of FMCA do not have kids. If anyone knows of a local chapter specifically for families with kids, we'd like to know.

Even if you search the blogs for the word "children" you come up empty. It has been the greatest way to teach geography, history and even American Literature by traveling and visiting state and national parks, and homes like that of Jefferson Davis, in the south, to Lincoln, and many more.

We do home school, and this has been the greatest year. Some of our "graduates" will be visiting us over the holidays and joining us as we travel from Selma to Birmingham; walking part of the route.

Join us here on this blog for more Kids on the Road.

Lou & Sue Harper

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We too travel with our kids. Two boys age 14 & 10. Keep us posted as to your travels and expierances. My boys favorite trip so far was to Carlesbad Caverns, Sea World in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Dallas, then back to Denver.Even on the long drives between destinations, they were never bored.Do you allow your kids to play handheld games while traveling (PSP, DS, Gameboy, etc)? We have a rule that they can play them in areas we have already been, but in new areas, they have to look out the window and/or play some type of "road" game.

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We have been feeling the same way. Although we are not full time rv-er's, we do have a class A and travel with our children, two girls ages 8 and 4. We joined, looking for families and chapters devoted to families, only to find we are a very small percentage of members. We have been in contact with the editors of the magazine to find ways to embed families into their articles and talked with the new President who is verbally devoted to finding ways to bring families back to the FMCA. I also contacted the editors of the webpage who promptly added a motorhoming with children page to their forum.

Only being members for the last two months, I am proud of the efforts they are making and I am looking forward to working with them as the year progresses.

We have been advised that we could start our own chapters and are considering it. We are just unsure of how to proceed. If you are interested in talking, we could see if it is something to tackle together.

Best wishes on your travels.


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Not sure about the US, but here in Europe and especially in summer time kids are all over caravan parks; we travel with our two kids and they enjoy. I tend to find sites with swimming pools, walking paths, forest, etc. as this is also part of the adventure. We may try US / Canada next year. I would always say: kids are welcome!!

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