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Life's little challenges

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First, let me say I appreciate the comments to this blog people make. I may not respond to all of them but I do read all of them.

One such comment said, if our relationship can survive parking directions it can survive anything. That brought a smile to my face. I can appreciate that. But it also started me thinking. In all honesty, since we got some walkie-talkies a few years ago, parking hasn't been that much of a challenge for us. (It does make you wonder what the backup camera folks are thinking though -- putting a microphone in a backup camera that is mounted directly above a diesel engine - like I am supposed to hear what my wife is saying above that noise?).

Our challenge is unhooking the Saturn toad. I love my little Saturn. It's a great car. And my Blue Ox tow bar works well. However. I have learned the hard way that the pins are nearly impossible to remove unless the car is straight. That has led to my usual practice of letting my wife register for us when we arrive at a campground while I unhook the car. So far, so good. Then the fun begins. You see, our Saturn is a 5-speed manual, and my wife is not comfortable with driving a manual transmission. If the ground is level, all is well, no problem. But if there are hills anywhere in the campground, ah, that's where her anxiety goes up. So then we have to negotiate how we are going to do this -- do I try to calm her anxiety, do I drive the motorhome and then come back and get the Saturn. What are we going to do? She is NOT going to drive the motorhome, despite my many attempts to get her to do it, so that's not an option. We always come up with a solution, so what we do must be working for us. But it's amazing how life's little challenges always seem to present themselves even in the most long-expected and pleasurable of circumstances. Guess it really is true as I always tell my students -- Murphy was an optimist.

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Doc, fortunately the backup camera doesn't have a mic on the inside which would allow her to hear my comments. Get into enough trouble without that.

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We feel your pain about the problems of unhooking your Vue when it's not completely level or straight behind the motor home. :rolleyes: We, too, have a Vue and have a found a way to deal with the problem. If we're on a slight hill, we turn the car on and put it in gear or reverse and that will loosen the tow bar enough to get the pins out. If we're not exactly straight behind the motor home, we turn the car on and turn the wheel as far as it will go to the right or left (You'll need to experiment to see which direction works for the conditions.) and the pressure is taken off the tow bar enough to take the pins out. We have had great success with these "tricks." We hope they work for you, too.

We don't want to take the fun out of finding solutions to life's little challenges, but perhaps having one less challenge might be a help. :D

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OK Boys, You think you have problems. I have the same problem with a manuel ION. I am alone and IF the car is straight and IF it is on level ground, unhooking is a piece of cake. BUT, one time I fogot to put the car in gear and proceded to remove the pins, not realizing that I was on the slightest hill. WELL, with the pins out, the car decided to roll toward the RV. So, I just sat on the bumper of the RV and put my feet on the car to stop it. Since I unhook the car along the golf course, I had to wait for the next foursome to come along then very humbly begged one of the "boys" to save me. I am sure that "the little woman" was the topic of conversation at the 19th hole. And I am sure that none of "the boys" would have ever been in that situation. Especially if they had their "little woman" to help them out. If only the car had rolled in the opposite direction, I could have caught up with it and avoided the humiliation. PS, I have a special screwdriver to tap the pins out if need be. And I learned that from my husband.

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