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Everything posted by Jbiclove

  1. I have a F250 short bed with a B&W sliding hitch. I tow a 40’ Montana and so far only needed to use it once to get it into the driveway. I had to make a sharp turn while backing in so I slid the hitch back and it worked perfectly. We had a gravel pad put in so I have not needed to use it since, but having the option to allow for more turning radius is worth every penny in my opinion.
  2. Thanks for all of your replies. It turns out that one of the wires shorted out and was burned clean through, right at one of the connections. It looks like the wire was rubbing against the edge of a sheet metal shield that it was touching and over time, finally grounded itself out. I replaced the connector and used heat shrink for an extra layer of protection and then zip tied the wires away from the shielding. Water is nice and hot now. Hopefully this never happens again. thanks again for the help. Jason
  3. Hello, I just became a member of FMCA after meeting a very nice couple who recommended I join while vacationing in or 5th wheel down at Carrabelle Beach, FL. I’m new to RVing and bought a used 2013 Montana Mountaineer. We love it, but it’s been a learning curve to say the least. We took it on its first long voyage, making our way from Virginia to Florida and back, stopping multiple times over these last 18 days. Everything worked great, except now the hot water tank on electric setting is only getting Luke warm. This happened about mid trip so I have been running on propane until I got home. Any recommendations on where to start?, if it was my house, I would immediately replace the elements, but now that I have this RV, it seems that it could be a multitude of things. Thanks for any help or experience you can share. Jason.
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