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  • Gender
  • Location
    Arlington, Texas
  • Interests
    I married a Chinese woman and she hasn't seen much of our country except from Arlington, Texas to Jackson, Mississippi. I want to show more of the US to her.
  • I travel
    With pets

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  1. Although it wouldn't be my first option but I can put a new system under it. I'm 70 and have had a stroke so my dominate hand doesn't work perfectly any more. I don't wish to be crawling under it and trying to use the drill to lower and raise the jacks even in good weather. Sorry but what is "HWH"?
  2. I have a 2005 Fleetwood Southwind Motor Home with Atwood Levellegs jacks that are worthless. Very sporadic operation and about 90% failure rate. Parts can no longer be purchased. Are there any recommendations as to what to replace the jack system with? What system will be the most reliable over time?
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