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About jg053047

  • Birthday 05/30/1947

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    Union KY

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  1. Hey thanks for the input. I did look at the utube video. Our awning is the F45 type unit but has no real information regarding the full closure.I also found a utube video from a guy named Frenchy with a similar issue and tried that approach to no Avail. If I am fortunate enough to find a fix for this I’ll post it. thanks again for the feedback
  2. I have a Coach House Platium with a Fiamma manual awning. It seems that I’m unable to fully retract it into the full closed position. I have made as many attempts to bring back to the proper position but to no avail in remains about one inch of properly closing securely. this problem has had me perplexed for two years. There is no information with regard to this on any website I’ve seen thus far. any ideas?
  3. Hi Larry We just had our carpet replaced with the continuation of porcelain tile installed in the Solon area of our 2000 American Eagle. We called a local carpet and tile store in our area for a bid and ended up with them doing the job. I called for and got all the info from the coach company with regard to color and type grout material and the tile shop did a marvelous job and saved us a thousand dollars under what an RV type remodeler in our area would have charged. In our case the tile was still being manufactured so we use a transition tile to tie them together just to break up the solid appearance. Hope this may help you. JIm
  4. My wife and I stayed there on our way to FL. last year and we thought it was very nice. The only con to us was lack of shade where they parked us, but the sites are pull through and decent. There is lots to do around there also. Hope it helps.
  5. My wife and I tow a Smart car behind are Eagle and would never suspect it to be there unless looking in the camera. 45 mpg average,1500 llbs. All four down w/ blue ox equipment. We love it !! Jim G
  6. Hi all A while back I was curious as to the proper procedure on how winterize a splendid model 2000 washer dryer combo. I got no response or I missed it. Any help out there or just empty the Filter at the bottom? Thanks
  7. I was wondering the advise from those who know on the easiest way to winterize a model 2000 Splendide combo unit. I am unable to access the water lines at the rear of the unit without taking the whole unit out of the closet. My friend suggest just to put a couple of quarts of RV antifreeze in the wash drum and run the spin cycle to get some into the water pump. Please advise.
  8. jg053047

    Tire Temperature

    Thank you for your responses to my question. My wife and I are joining ya,ll in Redmond for the rally in August and feel more relieved about the temps.
  9. jg053047

    Tire Temperature

    After reading several accounts of misfortune on the road, I was curious as to what you should expect as normal tire temperature if you pull into a rest area and happen to have a digital temp gauge on hand to read. On a recent trip to Norfolk I used my device, and the tires read 107 front and 112 rear. Is that acceptable or not? Outside air temps were around 80 degrees.
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