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About romer1

  • Birthday 12/22/1940

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  • Location
    Bolingbrook, IL
  • I travel
    With pets

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  1. romer1


    All the best to you. Had a quadruple in '90, 3 stents since then. Just do as docs say and rehab religiously.
  2. Left one has a different shape due to driver door. Guess they could make any corrections though.
  3. They're working with a company that does thermoforming, 3D printing and fiberglass work. It would help a lot if they had a fender to work with, but mine is only about a third of the fender. Also have a Winnebago dealer working with his body shop.
  4. Guess that means you can't do it off a drawing????
  5. Thanks for the idea and wakeup call. I have a friend with a 2002 Adventurer with the same fender. Never even thought of using that for a mold. Thanks. Merrill
  6. Ray Thanks, tried that list many times. Most of those places are now out of business. Merrill
  7. They're in agreement one has to be made. Just waiting for this estimate.
  8. Here's an update. The fender is too large for anyone I contacted to do with 3D printing. Have found a place that may be able to do a vacuum form in ABS or use a mold for fiberglass. Just looking at most economical way.
  9. Actually, the fender is a sheet of formed ABS, not sure how thick. The storage compartment doors have the sandwich construction.
  10. Just talked to Winnebago, they're sending the dimensional drawing to have one fabricated.
  11. Thanks Jim, I'm in the Chicago area. I know the old one is ABS. I have the back half as shown in the photo I attached earlier. Drivers side has a door which somewhat changes shape.
  12. Herman, Thanks, just called them and front fenders are gone. Merrill
  13. One: Merrill Weber Two: USNR-R Three: 1961-1968 1 year active, rest reserves Four: E-5 electronics tech Five: Anti Submarine warfare P2V's Six: NAS Memphis (Boot camp, school) NAS Willow Grove with trips to Roosevelt Roads & Norfolk
  14. That's what I need. Have contacted them 2x, They also have 4 Adventurers there, yet tell me they have nothing. Thanks for the link tho.
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