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Everything posted by elkhartjim

  1. "You should never re-inflate a tire that has been operated "Flat" Flat means after losing 20% of the minimum inflation needed to carry the load." Tireman quote. I guess I need a definition of "operated". Many times I've slowly driven a few hundred feet on a flat tire to a safe area before changing the tire. I have taken the tire in for repair and then safely used it for many more miles. What am I missing here? I do carry a 150# rated Porter-Cable compressor to top off my tires when needed.
  2. I agree with Kay. Two problems exists, tunnel heights and you won't easily find a place (pull-outs) to stop that will accomodate a motorhome and towed vehicle. It is a beautiful drive, just not in a motorhome.
  3. I'll bite, whats forever tape?
  4. Carl, it is not HWH. Newmar uses an electric rack and pinion design which is proprietary to Newmar. My last motorhome was always air down, level and then extend slides so it does go against my natural thought process to extend slides and then level but if thats what the designer recommends who am I to argue. MIke asked a question regarding confirmation on what he was instructed to do when he picked up his coach. I repeated what is in my manual and what Newmar verbally has confirmed to be the correct way of extending and retracting the slides. Everyone seems to agree he should follow the manual yet Five, in his opinion and even though he is a by the book person, disagrees. I'm certainly no expert on any coach, especially if its a different brand than mine.
  5. Thanks, Five, I will should the need arise. I appreciate your concern and advice.
  6. I simply follow Newmars instructions to operate the slides.
  7. Five, the info I posted is the Newmar Corp response. Mike, feel free to check with Newmar customer service.
  8. Mike, do as instructed. Extend slides, dump air, extend jacks. Bring coach to ride height, jacks retracted to retract the slides.
  9. I don't remember Roy Clark on Laff In but I do remember him from Hee Haw.
  10. Bill is spot on. Many of the ISB dipsticks are out of calibration. I found this out when I had my first oil change at Gaffney. I don't remember exactly but I think I was 2 qts short according to the dipstick.
  11. I knew you would appreciate the Newmar differences. Gig'em Aggies
  12. KVH could give you the most accurate answer.
  13. When an individual evades paying sales tax by titling the vehicle in Montana, is the vehicle titled in the individuals name or a shell LLC name? Like Wayne wrote earlier, several states are making efforts to crack down on these tax cheats and with the financial penalties charged it gets rather expensive.
  14. As long as you were a legal resident of Montana and not just using a shell address there probably won't be a problem. If you were not a legal resident in Montana then you may be opening a very expensive can of worms when you try to register it in Florida.
  15. Calgone for some reason is getting more difficult to find so I'm going to try Borax as a substitute.
  16. I thought with global warming we were doomed in just a few years.
  17. The mesquite trees are budding in the Texas Hill Country.
  18. Roll pin? You making biscuits or pie crust? The devil made me say it now back to the topic. Like others have said, the motor shaft looks good so it must be the splines in the arm are bad.
  19. If you're towing 10,000 pounds with a gasser you are going to have one heck of a trip. The trailer does have brakes doesn't it?
  20. Richard, I didn't read anything in Mike's posts to indicate anyone should panic but once that word is used it starts to take root. I look forward to hearing Mike explain why diesel or as far as that goes, all fuel fluctuates in price even when crude pricing is staying relatively stable. I believe its very simple, supply and demand.
  21. We need to have christening party for we local Hill Country folks. We're going to Kerrville tomorrow for a songfest.
  22. I watched maybe 30 minutes of the game and the only commercial I paid much attention to was the NFL one. I spent most of my time at the feed trough enjoying a great Tex-Mex buffet and margaritas plus spent some time out on the balcony overlooking Canyon Lake enjoying the sunshine and 74 degree temperature. The half time show was like all the shows the past few years, they are geared to a much younger age group. I understand the censors had to bleep out several words from one of the performers.
  23. Click on the link I provided and it walks you through all the settings.
  24. https://www.rvtechlibrary.com/electronics/lbcu_overview.php You should find what you need here.
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