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    Calgary, Alberta
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  1. Our Dirt Devil central vac went into a storage bay below the fridge. It attached to the top of the bay so still have room for my stuff. Important to be in the middle for the hose to reach front to back. http://www.campingworld.com/shopping/item/dirt-devil-cv-1500-central-vacuum-system-with-hepa-style-bags/69640
  2. Heres a link from a previous discussion: http://www.shearcomfort.com/ We have them and really like the comfort. Good luck! rB
  3. He will be missed indeed. Thanks very much for this!
  4. Thanks for such a complete and detailed response Tom. I see lead by example in action here and it is a pleasure to hear about the commitment on the part of believers who cherish and show respect for the planet's resources. Very good advice to at least ask the operators where you can put materials for pickup and possibly start a movement and we all know seniors love movements! If we do review campgrounds, in RVPark reviews for example, we might mention the recycling efforts as a positive.
  5. Seems very rare to stay in a campground with recycling bins. All the waste goes into the landfill. Should clubs such as ours encourage owners to recycle glass, metal and paper or is that someone else's responsibility?
  6. Much thanks Brett. This wasn't in my binder.
  7. Ok and what does it do? Can you set it? Is it supposed to close the awning? No capiche
  8. What is this and what does it do? I can't open or slide it open. Doesn't seem to be tied to my awning. Does it need a wind gauge attachment to close the awning when the wind rises above a preset level? Scratches his head icon Thx, rB
  9. IMO, keep your infrastructure to a minimum especially for Class A clients. They stay in their coach/condo ap'ts for most of their needs. Put your money into a building with laundromat and maybe a few unisex shower closets. A pet enclosure'd be a big plus with hard and soft ground areas. An electric dog polisher'd be nice but rare these days because of the cutbacks ;-)
  10. I'd go for the overnight configuration too - power only. Needed if hot or cold. Saves people staring their gennys early morning.
  11. KeggarTheres a new low in the life of a mechanic huh? I feel sorry for those volunters cleaning up the highways!
  12. Wonderful blacktop in North America marred by urine filled containers littering the landscape. They don't stop at rest stops with trash containers? When they fuel up they cant make two extra steps to place it in the trash? What a blight on our roads!
  13. I have this very annoying problem on my 2007 Workhorse chassis. Constant clicking off during a fillup. Thanks for the tip! rB
  14. Thanks Rich! I wouldnt have thought of treating the tires and yes best to sit tires on wood not dirt or concrete. Now top oil in the fuel tank?
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