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Posts posted by ramblinboy

  1. Thanks for such a complete and detailed response Tom. I see lead by example in action here and it is a pleasure to hear about the commitment on the part of believers who cherish and show respect for the planet's resources. Very good advice to at least ask the operators where you can put materials for pickup and possibly start a movement and we all know seniors love movements! If we do review campgrounds, in RVPark reviews for example, we might mention the recycling efforts as a positive.

  2. That does look like my wind controller for the awning - suspect the little bulbs and number ar 12, 18, 24, etc..

    Mine is however mounted in cabinet over exit door.

    Ok and what does it do? Can you set it? Is it supposed to close the awning? No capiche

  3. What is this and what does it do?

    I can't open or slide it open. Doesn't seem to be tied to my awning.

    Does it need a wind gauge attachment to close the awning when the wind rises above a preset level?

    Scratches his head icon

    Thx, rB


  4. IMO, keep your infrastructure to a minimum especially for Class A clients. They stay in their coach/condo ap'ts for most of their needs. Put your money into a building with laundromat and maybe a few unisex shower closets. A pet enclosure'd be a big plus with hard and soft ground areas.

    An electric dog polisher'd be nice but rare these days because of the cutbacks ;-)

  5. I have been offered an overseas assignment. We will be away for 2 years.

    It's a gas engine so fog the cylinders, change the oil, stabilize the fuel and take weight off tires is the most common advice. The same goes for the gas generator I'd imagine. It will be stored indoors unheated in a winter climate. Has anyone done this? Thanks rB

  6. Anyone else have this product on their rig? Mine is on a 2008 Fleetwood Southwind. See that piece that sticks up from the slide topper and into the awning?

    I wrote Dometic and they told me it was an installation error. This is another rig and it has the same problem. That piece that sticks up will wear a hole in the fabric over time, as mine has, and compromise the integrity of the material.


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