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Everything posted by jmb1441@aol.com

  1. Glad to see that others are blown away by the insurance company's blanket statement "Do not drive with your refrigerator running on the propane setting" FMCA May, 2010 p. 37. I too have been doing it all wrong since 1971, putting just under 200k on three motor homes in that period. First: I just couldn't afford an extension cord that long so just had to risk it. I'm much more fearful, after a long day's drive, about going to sleep at night on top of 100+ gallons of diesel and 40 gallons of lp gas in the basement, all the while with the furnace and heat pump, water heater and refrigerator periodically cycling 'on' and 'off' during the night. Maybe on about the same scale, I don't appreciate the guy in the next bunker building a logging fire next to my fuel tanks to light up the whole West Coast into the wee hours of the morning. Going down the road with the refrigerator keeping those T-bones cold seems mild by comparison. Guess we campers are risk takers: driving motorhomes manufactured by defunct companies, and exposing ourselves to parking orginances, neighbors' dog waste, ax murderers, outrageous fuel prices and insurance policies written by expert draftsmen to exclude coverage for virtually all risks, either real or imagined, known or unknown. As an attorney for 47 years, I know all about that of which I speak. Maintenance is certainly the name of the game. Do a good job and maybe you'll survive....at least for a few more outings. Far better than food poisoning from a hot refrigerator upon arriving at Quartzsite, AZ in mid-November. Happy motoring.
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