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Everything posted by C-677946

  1. I may have been a Army guy, but I took a nice cruise in the Pacific courtesy of the Navy on the LCU Meeker County (already knew about the Sea Bats), and attended the Marine Corps Air Sea Ground Intelligenceman Course (only guy from the Army to attend at the time) at Little Creek, VA. And also took many flights courtesy of the USAF. I think we all have each others back when needed!
  2. http://www.legis.state.wi.us/statutes/Stat0348.pdf See348.07 Length of vehicles. (2) © Forty five feet for recreational vehicles, motor homes, and motor buses. Being able to quote the actual law means much more than what someone said over the phone.
  3. This is what Patrick is talking about: Visit tyron's Website. And looking at that, I would rather see some run flat tires instead of bans around the inside of the wheels. It is not going to stop the blow out from occurring, thus will not stop body and other coach damage. And the cost is suppose to be around a $1000 for 16" wheels. You guess is as good as mine when we get up to 22.5. I think a good tire pressure monitor would be a much better investment!!!
  4. You need a cell antenna for cell phone and CB antenna for CB. The wave length is way different and you may end up ruining you cell phone because of bad swr (standing wave ratio).
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