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  1. well, that sucks. Hope they can meet an agreement with this issue. Would be a great feature for rv'er.
  2. Understand that FMCA is now offering the Verizon Hot Spot for internet connection at a reduced price. The ad stipulates that we have to purchase the Hot Spot and then can sign up with Verizon through FMCA. What if we already have the Hot Spot device, but not being used as it is not activated. Can we use this device without having to purchase another one? Ron
  3. Actually, you can dump the air in your tanks easily by just pumping your air brakes. With the engine off, the brakes will deplete the air fairly quickly. I always had to do this with my previous coach. Ron
  4. Actually, with the parking brake on a DP, air pressure is required in order to release it. Therefore, if you have dumped the air system, releasing the parking brake will do nothing. You will have to start the engine and build up air pressure to a certain amount before the springs will release. Putting close pins or other devices under the parking brake switch is redundant. Ron
  5. I understand your problem as we too are owners of a motorcoach resort lot. We do NOT rent our lot out, nor is it part of the Resort's rental program. Our motorcoach's insurance does indeed cover our resort lot but only when the coach is parked on it. During the months we are not there, the lot is empty and we have a restraining rope baring entrance. Hopefully that will advise people that we don't want anyone in there. Of course the Resort's employees still have access to mow the grass and such, but those employee's are covered under the Resort's insurance plan. So, currently we do NOT have any liability insurance for the lot when we are not present. We have inquired...but have yet to purchase any, and probably will not. Hopefully, this will not come to bite us in the rear later on. Ron
  6. We use the velcro type of picture hangers that you can remove easily by pulling a tab on the bottom. They only last a couple of years, but come off totally clean and does not disturb the paint finish at all. Ron
  7. Just an added info... if your Allison won't shift into 6th until a little bit higher speed than you want to travel, you can (once you are in 6th) gradually reduce your speed back down a few miles per hour and the Allison will stay in 6th. Works for me. Ron
  8. Ah.. being a FWD with rear wheel drive capability making it AWD, a driveline disconnect would not solve the problem as the front wheels actually drive the transmission. I think in this application, a lube pump would be required...not a driveline disconnect. check here for application: http://www.remcotowing.com/vehicles/1686?m...2&year=2008
  9. In our Safari, Monaco decided to locate the vacuum canister in the pull out tray storage area. They mounted it on the side of the compartment such that if there is anything in the left side of the slide out tray and is more than 18" high, it will hit the inlet hose of the vacuum. Very poor design. I relocated the unit to the ceiling of the compartment and that gives me over 24" of slide out tray height clearance. Not a whole lot more, but my lawn chairs will now fit and stay in place when I pull the tray out. Fortunately, our interior hose connector is located under the pantry door about 1/3 the way down the coach. However, stretching the hose to vacuum the entry steps still requires some effort and can result in the hose coming loose from the attachment if you don't hold on tightly. A little forethought by the designers would go a long way. Ron
  10. We had Sirris radio and Dish tv and neither much made it past Calgary. Fortunately, I was aware that this would happen and prior to leaving for Alaska, I wired in my DW's iPod as she has probably over several thousand recordings on it. I used the AUX 1 input on the radio and with this, we could listen to the iPod over the dashboard's stereo unit and all of the speakers located throughout the coach including the big base speaker. Great sounds. As for the Dish tv, forget it. We used either cable at the rv parks or over the air tv in the larger cities (some only had one or two channels). We watched the Olympics in Valdez, Haines, Juneau, and Sitka.....all on cable tv. Hope this helps Ron
  11. Out of idle curiousity, what are the price range? We were looking here for such facilities, but feel the prices are way out of line with the current economic downturn. thanks Ron
  12. To release my air quicker than the air release valve will allow, I simply push and release the brake pedal three or four times. This will deplete the air remaining in the air tanks quite rapidly. Ron
  13. tmoning's last sentence is the key to his reply. If your current inverter/charger does not have the three stage capability, then keeping shore power on all the time to keep the batteries charged will be very detrimental to the batteries as they will over charge and most if not all water/acid will be reduced. If you don't have the three stage inverter/charger and don't want to spend the bucks on replacing yours, then instead of plugging in your rig to shore power, just purchase a small battery maintainer that has "float" capability and plug it into shore power and to your batteries. There are several brands at different costs. Walmart has one for about $20 bucks that works very well. Keep in mind, you will still need to occasionally check your water level, but after 18 months on mine, I have yet to add any water at all. Use your disconnect switch and isolate the batteries from your rig during storage. Hope this helps Ron
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