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Posts posted by lylefikse

  1. Still having problems.

    The dealer thinks our problem is a blockage in the cooling unit. One that seems to move around and cause different cooling from day to day. We still get varied performance each use. Driving the coach seems to make it work differently. One time it cools down in a day and the next time it takes 4 to 5 days to cool down. Strange!! Uses way more electricity than it should.

    The dealer thinks it may be bad door seals, but I think the problem would be consistent then. Our temp problems are all over the place. They have pulled the fridge out and it is working fine. 4 degrees in the freezer and 27 in the fridge on #9. Thank goodness they observed it take 4 days to cool the fridge to 60 degrees two weeks ago. We used it for ten days an put on 300 miles.

    Has anyone had experience dealing with Good Sam warranty and asking for an Amish unit to replace the Norcold? Everything I have heard about the Amish unit is positive.

    We stop often where we do not have electricity, so want a unit that works on both electric and propane.

  2. Since we bought an extended warranty with our coach, I passed this problem on to the dealer. They think,(#1 and most likely) a blockage in the cooling unit, or (#2 small leak detected) a bad door seal, or (#3) fans not working right. They say, even with a mirror, only one fan can be seen (it is working). To see and check both fans the fridge needs to be pulled out. (I would think you could disconnect the one fan and listen for the other unless they are wired together) When checking with Norcold, they were told for the 1210 4 door they do not have replacement seals, both doors need to be replaced. $600+ for one and $700+ for the other. Sounds like a bad design to me. Updates to follow. We have not contacted the warranty company yet. Don't know what to expect. Hope we get off with our $100 deductable. We have about had it with Norcold.

  3. How much should outside temps effect temps in my fridge and freezer? This weekend temps were mild. 74 during the day and 45 at night. We were parked so the fridge side of our motorhome got some afternoon sun. Temps varied from 12 degrees in freezer during the day and 6 at night. Fridge varied from 43 during the day to 33 at night. Is this normal for 10 degree swings in 24 hours? We put a new board in this unit and a new thermistor. Temps still vary a lot. Still new to using this kind of unit and want to know if this is normal.

  4. When I try to level our coach with our LCI jacks, only part of the air is dumped.

    I can't find an air dump switch.

    The air dumps when you start the auto level feature. This partial dump is not a problem unless (like last night) you are in a very unlevel spot. Both front wheels came off the ground when leveling. I tried to block the wheels but ran out of blocks. I could tell the coach was not down all the way before the jacks extended. This morning after the air was out, I re-leveled and both tires are on the blocks.

    Is there a manual way to dump all the air?

    The coach is a 2007 Damon Tuscany with a Freightliner Chassis.

  5. Pixie dust is right! We took it out this weekend and had problems again.

    When we got home I took this vacuum hose out of the wire harness and installed a new hose. I zip tied it to the outside of the wire harness. Everything works great now. Pump runs like it should, instead of in spurts. The old hose must have been pinched in the harness causing a weak spot that would pinch off the line sometimes.

    Big headache to figure out, but cheap and simple fix.

  6. Not enough people kept their fingers crossed. New thermistor did not solve problems. Turned fridge on on Wed the day before we left (on #9). 55 in fridge

    thursday and 28 in freezer. (Had a fan in fridge from camping world) Friday 48 fridge and 22 freezer. Sat 46 fridge and 12 freezer. Sunday 44 fridge and 7 freezer. Today and home in the yard 36 fridge and 6 freezer. All on electric. Would not lite on gas. Stove and water heater both worked so we had gas. Everyone at the rally said theirs cooled down in one day and holds temp. I am stumped. This thing is all over the place. I could hear the cooling fans working and the vent is clear. Even my dealer has not been able to figure this out.

    Does anyone have a number where I can call Norcold and talk to them directly?

  7. Brett, please help! Still having problems. Very hot this time of year without AC working right. Vacuum pump works only part of the time. Runs in spurts. If I unplug the vacuum loop for the internal pressure on the pump, the vacuum pump runs all the time. As soon as I put it back on the pump, it stops or runs in slow spurts.. I tried to plug the hose with a golf tee to get vacuum to the system ( pump runs this way) but still no luck with controls changing to floor or dash.

    Sometimes it will change to the dash for and hour or so and then returns to defrost default setting. I think it must be the switch on the dash. What do you think? Don't hear any vacuum leaks. Maybe a hose is kinked but don't see one.

  8. Our Norcold 1210 will still not hold a constant temp after the dealer repair. We have had it plugged in for a month in a building with no other power being used. $80 electric bill for one month. Only using the fridge??? Temps checked each morning range from 26 degrees in the freezer and 47 degrees in the fridge to 4 degrees in the freezer and 31 degrees in the fridge. Temps were checked each morning at the same time. Temps are up and down. Last winter when using the unit full time we had trouble with freezing things in the fridge and not being able to keep ice cream cold enough in the freezer. Help!!

    Anyone else had a problem like this? Most problems I have heard of involve not cooling enough. Mine gets too cold in the fridge. If I cut back on the setting it is not cold enough in the freezer. Either way temps will not hold a constant temp and readings vary. I put in a new thermistor 3 days ago. Will start getting new readings tomorrow. We were gone a few days. Will report again in a few days.

  9. We took our motorhome to the FMCA Heartland Travelers rally at Ponca NE last month. Started the fridge on Thurs morning. By Sunday it was freezing again in the fridge section. I had it set on 9. The dealer says he would be surprised if it had not frozen on that setting and wants me to try it on a lower setting. What do you think? Won't a lower setting make the freezer too warm? I guess I am not sure how these units work.

  10. We have the 5510 and used it for a 5000 mile trip west from Iowa to Washington State, down the coast to southern California for the winter. Then home this spring to Iowa the southern route. Although this is our first GPS we love it. It did take us down a dirt road in Oregon we didn't belong on. We sent the Info in and hope the software will be updated. Have had some trouble with the docking software when trying to update. The website wanted to update our software and then it would lock up. I would buy it again.

  11. I talked to my dealer yesterday. He said he spent an hour on the phone with Norcold while they went through several tests. Bottom line, the unit is not talking to itself well. What the board is not reading what the thermistor reads. Same for the control panel. The board is not getting the right reading. A new board is on order. We intend to use it next month at the Heartland Chapter Rally in Ponca, NE. I will update after that, on how it is working. Warranty will cover. Yea!

  12. I took the motorhome to the dealer today and said if it needs a new cooling unit. I would like the Amish built unit. He told me that aftermarket cooling units fail about 1/2 the time in the first year. Went on to say that although they stand behind the unit, often labor is not covered. He strongly suggested staying with Norcold.

    I have heard nothing but good on the forums about the Amish unit.

    Any comments?

  13. We use the Winegard portable auto seek and have dish network. We purchased the RV reciever from Camping World. I added a 1TB Western Digital external hard drive (USB connected to reciever). For a one time $40 charge, Dish programed it as a DVR. Works great. Dish charges $6 or $7 extra per month while the RV reciever is being used. Just call when you are not using the RV and shut that reciever off. You get the same programing you get at home. You do need to call in to update local channels as you move (no charge for this). Sometimes this takes a few calls as not all their people on the phone are well trained.

    We like the DVR so much we will record a live show and watch a recorded one. We watch the other one later so we can edit comercials.

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