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Everything posted by csims2

  1. this one's on the list but when you'd swear it's clean, it comes out of some vent or from some crack or crevice you missed - maybe out of some fifth dimension.
  2. Thanks, I'm looking into it - but it does seem that life expectancy predictions vary widely.
  3. Until about 3 years ago we did live down that way and I might have taken up your suggestion: But now we are in rural Mid-Tenn so not much about.
  4. Wondering what's worthwhile to do before putting my motorhome on the market. It's a 2005 Winnebago Journey. Wife thinks I need to replace spotted carpet, I am wondering about the nose cap - it had a film over it that is now really ugly (crazed, dark brown). Shop advised me that the best removal process will mess up paint underneath which means $$$ and I'm inclined to doing it but not sure the return is there. What do you think on these two areas? Also we had dogs with us and they shed big time. Just vacuuming and wipe down doesn't get the hair out of lots of places. Opinions? Does it matter a lot? Thanks for any advice.
  5. For what it's worth: I used the TST system on my 5'er and liked it. It was inside the tire, so nothing to steal, it compensated the pressure alarms for temperature, and was always there, and the control unit was easy to use. Only problem was that I didn't have it on my spare. Then when I had to have new tires mounted - the dealer broke all four of my sensors. Next time around I tried the Doran system with the sensors that screw on to the stem. No temperature compensation (although it did measure it), and the teenintsy O-ring inside the sensor tends to get damaged when you have to remove it. And to get a replacement O-ring, guess where you have to go? I did have one tire failure due to sensor failure - the seal on the stem leaked (probably I overtightened it) and I never got an alarm until I heard a large bang. I remember that one well - changed the tire in the rain on a busy two lane road with no shoulder. I am thinking about the TST for my motorhome. Chuck
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