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  1. One: Lee Deal. Two USN/USNR THREE: 22 YEARS Aug 1978 - Mar 2000 Four: finished up as an E-6, did mostly communications, can't talk too much about what I did as a reservist. Between my service, and my husband's, both our dad's and Grandfathers, and our son and son-in-law we have about 80 years service, and that's just three generations. My husband found a relative that served in the Civil war and his side and I have at least one on my side so we have a long history of military service for our great nation.
  2. Reading the info, it appears you just buy the $229 hotspot device, sign up for a data plan, and when you get the device you call and activate it. Virtual Sim or Multi Sim technology will shift you from an AT&T tower to a T-Mobile tower to a Verizon tower depending on the strongest cell signal. But, this is 4G technology, and it does appear the data plans are expensive.
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