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  1. I looked closely at both programs and went with TSD, The FMCA program (TCS) requires to pre fund an account. That means giving them your money then charging fuel purchases against the account. TSD has you link an account to the card and deducts your Diesel purchases plus their 10% from the account. My wife did not like the idea of giving TCS our frequently used, high balance, account numbers, so I gave them my rarely used checking account and I easily, via phone or online, transfer money into the account as needed. We have a Diesel pusher and don't put a lot of miles on the coach but, with the exception of Oregon which has a PUC conflict, we have saved from 20 - 30 cents per gallon in Washington and California. This year we will be doing two trips to the east coast so will see how it does in the 20 - 30 states we hit. Both programs ask quite a bit of personal information probably to protect themselves from deadbeats and scammers.
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