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  1. I believe it is throttling. As I stated, on each tower I connected to, the Moxee shot up to about 30 Mbps immediately and then settled back to about 11 Mbps after a second or two.
  2. Not sure why people want SIMs for there Inseego m2000s. They will only get 4G service. The M2000 does not support AT&T's 5G bands. It only supports AT&T's 4G bands.
  3. I sent the following email to our FMCA business manager yesterday and hope to get a response soon. I'm attaching three speedtest.net screen shots of the best I can apparently hope for with this AT&T service obviously being throttled. Dear Mr. Smith, I would like to make you aware of the issues being encountered with the new AT&T hotspot plan. I just completed an online ticket and attached it below. Basically, I do not believe AT&T is providing whatever was promised to FMCA. Also, in its present form, it is no where near a replacement for the excellent service we’ve received from T-Mobile, especially for $10 more. Moreover, AT&T sent us the cheapest Chinese “Moxee” hotspot that can be purchased at your local Best Buy or Amazon for less than $50! With this cheap hotspot the user can not even use 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz WiFi at the same time! I hope to see a resolution to these issues, otherwise I and many members will be looking elsewhere for their hotspot internet needs. Thank you for your time. Charles Tolson F233755 Fredericksburg, Virginia --AT&T is apparently not providing the service it has promised. The AT&T Moxee I received yesterday is being seriously throttled! I just drove to three know AT&T towers in my area and parked within 200 yards. Moxee shows five bars signal in each test. Using Speedtest.net the download jumps to about 30 ----Mbps down but immediately drops to 11 Mbps at all three towers! I have also done this test at my home at about 4 AM this morning again with five bars, and the download/upload is identical! Jumps to 30 Mbps and drops immediately to 11 Mbps. In each test the upload speed also jumps to about 20 Mbps down ----and immediately drops to 12 Mbps! I have screenshots of each test but see no place to attach here. --With this obvious throttling, AT&T is basically worthless to me as a replacement for T-Mobile. Especially with me paying an addition $10 per month! I do hope to hear back soon with a resolution from AT&T. --Thank you.
  4. I think you're incorrect. The new Netgear Nighthawk M6 and M6 Pro 5G were just introduced a couple months ago and are AT&T branded for at least one year. They may become available from other vendors after that.
  5. The Inseego M2000 does support all the AT&T 4G LTE bands. It does not support any of the AT&T 5G bands.
  6. The Inseego M8000 had two external antenna plugs beneath two rubber plugs. I'm very familiar with using the antenna connections on the M8000 but just upgraded to the M2000. There are no external antenna plugs on the Inseego M2000, period. In the reviews online that is one of the complaints about the new M2000.
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