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  1. I think there are quite a few in this boat and if one started, I bet a bunch would join.
  2. Please Go to this website: http://corporate.for...rt/contact-ford and tell Ford you expect them to cover the cost of the Remco Pump. You will get a I'm sorry for the confusion email back, but do not accept, keep sending emails. I am up to 35 emails and I do not plan to give up. We need to bombard them until Ford takes ownership of this and remedy the problem. 8/15/2012 - Update - I just got off the phone with Ford Motor Corporation and they are purchasing my vehicle back. I stayed on top of it and I know I sent well over 50 emails to Ford. I finally contacted the State Attorney General and they wrote a letter to Ford. I then get a phone call stating they would purchase the vehicle back at my cost minus depreciation for mileage.
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