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About FMCANationalOffice

  • Birthday 06/22/1963

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  • Location
    Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Interests
    Enhancing the motorhome lifestyle.

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  1. In compiling information for the annual towables guide that will appear in the January 2015 issue, FMC magazine has learned that the 2015 Honda CR-V is not towable four wheels down behind a motorhome. Here is an explanation from Chris Martin in Honda’s Western Region public relations office: "With the addition of CVT transmissions to both the Fit and the CR-V, our automatic transmission dinghy towing options disappeared. At this point, among all Honda vehicles, only the 2015 Fit with manual transmission has been tested for dinghy towing. There is no manual transmission option for the CR-V. I wish I had better news for your readers."
  2. We are looking at efficient mail forwarding service alternatives that can enhance the service for members. Realizing the cost of new technology, we have decided to look outside of FMCA for a service that will maintain FMCA's affordable rates and excellent service.
  3. Some pages of FMCA.com, mainly those that involve member records or transaction processes, will be down for maintenance from June 27 to July 7. But, the FMCA Motorhome Forums site – http://community.fmca.com/index -- will remain accessible. However, because the Forums uses a single-sign-on method that bridges from FMCA.com to the Forums site, users might not be able to sign in during this time. At this point, we can’t say for certain how the downtime will affect users who remain signed in from a previous session. We suggest: If you are not signed in to FMCA.com, sign in before June 27. Bookmark the Forums site -- http://community.fmca.com/index. When you leave the site, do NOT sign out. FMCA.com will not be fully functional, so you will not be able to get to the Forums from there. Instead, use the bookmark or enter the http://community.fmca.com/index URL in your browser address bar to go to the site. In the best-case scenario, the site will “remember” you from the previous browser session and you will be signed in and can post, etc. The purpose of the downtime is to allow time for the implementation of a new membership management and customer relations software system. It will affect all departments at the national office, and how we manage the daily business of the association. We are replacing an entire accounting system and undergoing a software conversion, simultaneously. To make sure transactions from the old accounting system reconcile with the new, we must suspend new orders from going in to the system. We apologize for this temporary shutdown. Behind the scenes, FMCA will be more of a well-oiled – and modern -- machine, as a result.
  4. Rich is correct. Everyone is welcome here on the FMCA Motorhome Forums. Anyone can view messages. To post, you must first create a sign-in account.
  5. According to the owner's manual, the 2015 Honda Fit, with manual transmission, can be towed behind a motorhome. For the towing procedure, see page 308 of this PDF: http://techinfo.honda.com/rjanisis/pubs/OM/AH/A5A1515OM/enu/5A1515OM.pdf
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. We have created a Boondocking forum under the Lifestyles category. http://community.fmca.com/forum/122-boondocking/
  8. FMCANationalOffice

    Perry, Ga., 2014

    Faces and fun at FMCA's Passport to Perry Family Reunion held in March 2014 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Ga.
  9. Complete Senior Magazine is looking for a few FMCA-member couples who live and travel full-time in their mtorohomes, to interview for an article. If you are interested in being contacted, please send an e-mail to webmaster@fmca.com and include your e-mail address and/or phone number.
  10. The RV Driving Safety Program is offered at FMCA conventions, including the Perry, Ga., event this month. The Recreation Vehicle Safety & Education Foundation (RVSEF) presents the course, which is divided into two sessions of three hours each. The program has received rave reviews from FMCA members. Here's an article about the program, from a few years back: The RV Safe Driving Course. Various seminars related to diesel engines also are offered at FMCA conventions.
  11. Send an e-mail to membership@fmca.com or call (800) 543-3622 and provide the membership plate number and your contact information. We will attempt to contact the plate owner and ask them to get in touch with you.
  12. Good luck with the surgery. Our thoughts are with you.
  13. Family registration is now available for FMCA's Perry, Ga., 2014 Family Reunion and Motorhome Showcase, which will be held March 17 to 20, 2014, at the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricetner in Perry, Ga. Register online Or, download and mail the Perry registration form (PDF). More information about the Perry 2014 event will be posted here, as the event draws near. We hope you plan to join us at this wonderful venue at the "Crossroads of Georgia" for all of the great seminars, entertainment, exhibits and special activities that are unique to FMCA gatherings.
  14. Look for a Newmar Mountain Aire on the cover of the August 2013 issue of Family Motor Coaching magazine.
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