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About pnixon235

  • Birthday 02/05/1949

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  1. Brett Lots of things have been improved and new methods have been developed to make running our engines and transmissions since 1993. Better oil filtration is just the start of ways to make your oil perform better and longer. I'm also an Amsoil dealer but I'm not here to sell you a thing. In fact here's a link to just one of our competitors that do a good job of explaining the benefits of bypass filtration. Fleet operators have embraced this as it drastically lowers cost while reducing oil degradation over time. http:// dubdubdub(dot)gulfcoastfilters(dot)com/understanding(_)lube(_)oil(_)and(_)its(_)j.htm sorry for the mess above but the forum doesn't like me leaving links Paul
  2. Thanks for the info folks. Ordered one from Amazon and it plugged in and was functioning in about 3 minutes. Good to see engine temp, RPM etc. Will program tranny temp readout and started setting up the MPG program after $245 fillup (here in Cal Regular fuel is $4.17/gal. Also paying a little closer attention to engine after losing a sparkplug from hole #7 in my V10. Ford dealer in Bakersfield repaired with an insert. Wasn't cheap and will see if it will last.
  3. Looked at the Scan Gauge II for a while and rlkings post on another topic brought it back to mind. Has anyone had any expierience with it and if yes then what kind of MH engine did you try it on. Looks like it could be very useful. Looking to put it on a 99 V-10.
  4. Brett, I know this is an old post but ditto to your statement. Me too on synthetics. Paul David, Welcome to the FMCA Forum. Synthetic oil is just fine for your engine. Give your brother a homework assignment: Find documentation to support his claim. BTW, I have used "pure synthetic" oil in my gasoline powered vehicles for the last 40 years. Brett Wolfe
  5. Some of the members in our group use a product called Mary Moppins. Sounds similar to Mop&Glo but I haven't tried it myself so I can't vouch for it personally. Lots seem to like it.
  6. Eddie One more suggestion that has worked well for me and lots of fellow Rexhall coach owners. One of our members found a gelcoat re-newer type product and it looks really good. It came from some marine re-finishers in Florida who developed it. The product is called newglass2. It comes as a kit with a cleaner & a coating that gets wiped on with a chamois applicator. Its not hard work but does take some time to thoroughly clean everything and apply several coats. I have absolutely no interest in the company or anything it sells, in fact you'll need to google the company as I don't remember their name. It has made a huge difference in the look of our coach after trying all sorts of things to bring back the shine. Its around $40 for a complete kit along with application tools needed. We did a 35 foot coach. Hope this helps. We did a volume buy with our club members and they gave us a good break on the price per kit. I just looked them up and the website is www.newglass2.com (makes sense!). Good luck with your restoration.
  7. Tell us alittle more about your slides. Are they hydraulic or screw type? Do they get lubed or greased? I have hydraulic type and had to have a valve replaced when one slide started getting erratic.
  8. Just removed bands from my Rexhall Aerbus when all tires replaced. The dealer had no idea how to handle them and caused considerable additional labor to remove so tires could be replaced. I don't think I would have paid $2000 to have them installed. I did not reinstall.
  9. Sounds like you did it right. Hope it gives you years of use. Maybe you'll hire out if I decide to do mine.
  10. Just an observation: Of all the coaches I've seen that have non carpet, most have throw rugs all over. Floors cold and don't feel good on bare feet?
  11. 2 cents worth Another very satisfied user of Dually Valve Stems. No flex problems, no multiple fittings to leak, no gyrations trying to get gauges and air nozzles onto the stems to check pressure and add air. Get them installed when changing to new tires as the wheel has to be broken down to install. Went from stainless braids to these an am very happy with them. One of the better things I've done to my Rexhall.
  12. Thanks for responding to all the concerns about Lifeline. Good to hear that you take care of customer issues responsibly. You've put Lifeline battery users minds a lot more at ease to know you're there if we have any problems with your great product. Have had mine for 4 years and work very well.
  13. Hi Folks Been lurking for a while and find this topic interesting due to the changing world of electronics in our coaches. I have an older coach (99 Rexhall) and I am in the process of upgrading some of the electrical systems. I find one of the more useful things has been power cords for our laptops that plug directly into 12volt outlets eliminating the need for inverters. Very useful in the car also. The next change is to a Xantrex inverter/converter to provide 120v and to charge the new AGM house batteries. Old converter charges at less than 10amps and the new Xantrex is capable of 40-50amps. Should be huge increase in recharging depleted house batteries. Hope this might help. Paul
  14. Ok Henry, I'm guessing "PE" or HVAC Tech. Lots of good information here. Thanks!
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