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  1. Water is getting warm in just that short period, but not really hot
  2. Hot water heater fires up good, runs about 10 min, shuts down.... ill wait a few min. Then it fires right back up, but will only run about 2-3 min then shuts back down again....it's a 10 gal. Atwood... I'm thinking thermostat, any thoughts??
  3. Yes the problem is getting in there & turning,I'll call FREIGHTLINER .... thanks guys
  4. Its a saf holland air bag, part # HLD 90557249
  5. I have a 2003 Fleetwood Excursion. Changing the front air bags. The bottom nut is in a precarious position, think it's a 1-1/16 or 1-1/8 nut. Wondering exact size and where I can get a special wrench to reach it.
  6. Thanks Wolfe 10, it's the ride hieght valve... I'll replace them .... Thanks again
  7. Seems like I let it bleed a good while though wolfe 10, on one occasion, & it should bleed rather quickly & stop if it's only bringing to right ride hiegh I would say ? But min. I put my finger on it stops... Could the valve have poss. Confused positions cuz it seems like it wants to release pressure for a while?
  8. So do nothing?? Next time I'll see how long it'll relieve itself in that case . As soon as I've heard it before I just remove rubber boot and held pressure firmly on 2 pin holes & if stopped... Thanks Wolfe 10.... I'll keep eye on pressure???
  9. Have 2 small connections on air line on drivers side front & rear , each have 2 small pin holes in them that bleed off air. Normally crank up rig, pressures up then pops off all good ... But recently these 2 small connections I speak of, I can stop pressure by simply applying pressure with a finger then it'll hold the pressure then pop off in a few... Meaning all pressured up... They may be the leveling valves?? Not sure... Jus a small connection on the air line not resembling a valve..would like to know what caused this.??? Sometimes it does it...some times it doesn't....gonna swap them out for sure, just not sure what they are .... And why they both started popping off at same time?? Any thoughts please.
  10. Total weight of trailer & car in it is 7000 lbs, so figure 15% is tongue wt.= 1050 lbs, the rig is 26000 lbs, so thinking an extra 1000 lbs on the lift when cranking rig back up should be of little concern I'm thinking.. just wanted to hear a little input on this scenario?
  11. WAYNE the trailer light is 3500 lbs, 7000 lbs w/ car in it
  12. Will start towing 20 ft enclosed car hauler w/2003.. 39 ft Fleetwood excursion,330 hp cat.. Question is when I get into a pull thru site and want to lower air bags on rig w/trailer still hooked up,when ready to depart,will trailer be to heavy for air comp. to lift rig back up?
  13. Hey wanted to say thanks Brett & Rich for the feedback on this post, meant to get back to you guys earlier. I had parked the rig in La. While at work and I had left keys w/friend for when mechanic came to replace ac compressor & belt, but I had turned off switches for both main & aux. batteries, mechanic changed out & cranked up.. Let run about 30 min., but could never get air to blow out ac vents in dash, he didn't want to fool w/much so he called me after the fact. One wk later I stepped in rig & like usual first thing I turn on my battery switches, knew immediately that was the problem. Cranked the beast up, put on air & wa la... Drove to Ga. 10 hr roll, froze me out, no problems whatsoever.... My bad guys. But again thanks!!!! Dwayne
  14. Thanks Brett & Rich , I will be back near rig on Friday, gonna check what you guys have mentioned.
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