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About michaelhillhouse

  • Birthday April 16

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  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    wylie TX
  • Interests
    Nascar, Dirt Modified,Late Model dirt cars Sprint cars Midgets
  • I travel
    With Pets

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  1. Steve, I have the winegurd Dish antenna change over kit new in the box plus the 211 Dish HD Receiver new in the box .I sold my Motor Home before I had a chance to install the unit on my Winegard Traveler- Directv TV Traveler Antenna .I will take 300.00 plus shipping for the whole set if interested call me @ 972-249-6215 . I am an individual not a business. Michael Hillhous 298132
  2. I have used Ryan and he did good work and I recommend him depending on where you are located I also recommend highway 78 shop in Wylie ask For Rodney and tell him Michael Hillhouse sent you.. He works on my 2003 Dutch Star Michael
  3. When I revisited the response site the line had disappeared ?
  4. When I respond to a post my answer has a line through the middle of it Why?
  5. Whatever you do Don't go to Mustang Island across from Port Aransas . It cost me over 3000.00 for the windshield on another motorhome because the sites are so close I clipped it trying to leave > Believe me the RV Parks are bad down there MIchael
  6. In my humble opinion I would look at the squirrel fan itself. Sounds like the bushing on the cage might be worn knocking the motor bearing out
  7. We started out in 1987 going to car shows and sleeping in a tent . Every show we went to it either stormed on us or was so hot and humid we couldn't sleep . the last show for the year was at Cedar Creek in Oct. and a cold front blew in with the temp dropping we woke up with the air mattress floating in water inside the tent My New tentt was leaking at the seems . Needless to say we both got sick and I promised my wife for the next year we would have a travel Trailer to show our 66 Chevelle show car . We purchased our 72 Mobil Scout from a retired couple in Boerne in March 88 and used it until 97 where we went to Texas Motor Speedway for the First Nascar Race where we Played in Rain up to our ankles and saw all the beautiful motor Homes . People parked in front of us made the coment that before next year we would have a Motor Home and of course I said we wouldn't because the Trailer was paid for NOT . We purchased our first Motor Home in Oct 97 a 1989 Rockwood Driftwood W/460 Ford Engine which I dearly enjoyed until the Diesel Bug Bit me . In 2000 we purchased a 94 American Eagle and enjoyed it until I goa sick and couldn't drive it anymore . We joined FMCA in 2001 because I wanted to belong to something that we could fit in and try to enjoy meeting others . We bought a Safari Zanzabar after I got well in 2009 and it turned out to be a real P.O.S.and kept it for 3 years until my wife told me I couldn't spend one more cent on it ,I had spent a whole lot of money trying to fix it up . The next day I traded it for a 2003 Dutch star and joined a FMCA Chapter in which I was elected Third Vice Pres - Wagon Master . This year Herman contacted me inviting me to join Six State Rally Assoc . as Show Coach Captain . Because of certain things that are going on in the chapter I will probably be quitting the chapter and start look at other choices but will stay with Six State , Like Charlie it's all about having Fun michael
  8. I just wanted to wish Everyone who reads this a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Michael and Donna
  9. Carl, We'll be going to Shawnee I'm the show coach Captain or at least I was at Texarkana . Merry Christmas to You
  10. On my Dutch Star there are two areas where the fuses are located . 1 on top of the dash in front of the steering wheel there is a compartment panel just lift it up and the fuses and relays are located 2. The front end area where the generator is located there is a fuse panel on the firewall with a clear panel is clipped Hope this helps Michael
  11. I'll be with the show coaches looking forward to meeting you Michael
  12. As an update I opened the compartment all the way and the box I mentioned turned out to be the ATS with relays . I am hoping that it's the relay but won't find out for sure until I take it to the shop Monday . I learned out the hard way to let the Pro's check out electrical system on the coach when I'm not sure how to check out the problem . Thanks to all who replied Michael
  13. Brett . I have checked the cord which has 121 vts to the system I.m afraid I knocked the ATS out on the shore power side , and everything works ok with the Generator it,s just no power from the ATS on shore power Thank You everyone who replied and gave your suggestions i really appreciate the response's Michael
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