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  1. We have a 1998 Country Coach, towing a 2014 Honda CR-V. We use Roadmaster Even Brake system. We have a 7pin cable with trickle charge installed. The Even brake unit is plugged into the 12v port on the dash below gear shift. The key is turned to accessory I. We do NOT have a GPS installation in car. We do NOT have a fuse switch installed as that would negate power to the 12v port. We are stumped as to why the (new heavy duty) battery drains quickly every time the car is towed. Any suggestions would be appreciated. James & Jaymalea
  2. Does anyone here know of a website or other resource for converting existing home recipes to convention timing/temperature? Or is it all trial by error? LOL Jaymalea
  3. When will the seminar schedule be published online? Jaymalea
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