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  1. I have a 2006 Freightliner Gulf Stream Mini-Vista, 3500c, class C RV. Has a 5cy Marcedes diesel. Rides low and rough. can air ride be installed or ?
  2. heisenhut


    Gel batteries are the best however, they are very very expensive . I have a Entegra Aspire and needed to replace the batteries. There were 4 batteries , two 6 volts in series to get 12 volts and each set of two 6 volts batteries in pararllel. Sam's club has 6 volt Golf cart Batteries that are the same (amp hours) as what batteries came with the coach when I purchase it new . They are $89.00/battery (See below) Have them in my coach now and has been over two years and no problems. Would not suggest replacing 6 volt with 12 volt batteries ^ 6 volt batteries in series will give you more amp hours of service. Thats the main reason 6 volt batteries, in series, are used in golf carts. Take care , Howard Duracell Golf Car Battery - Group Size GC2 by Duracell| Item # 347700 Model # GC2|
  3. He did not say what issues Gulf stream may have had . May just be a salesman that does not have what we were looking for on his lot, makes statements like this , that are not true , just to make a sale of what he does have on his lot.? If so, folks like this make those folks that do look out for your best interest, look bad. So far we are getting nothing but good coments reference Gulf Stream. Appreciate you getting back with me. ( Better to be safe and ask than be sorry you didn't ) Take care, Howard
  4. We are down sizing from a larger RV to a smaller unit. Looking for one under 26 ft that gets good gas mileage, easy to handle , etc. We were told by many folks, that if we could find one, a 2007 Gulf Stream Vista Cruiser with a Mercedes Diesel, Freightliner Chassis is top of the line and reiable . We found one in good condition, well taken care of and priced right. However, when we were shopping , an RV dealer made a comment that Gulf Steam manufactured in 2006 through 2008 had many issues. When plan on to make the purchase next week, Feed back would be greately appreciated heisenhut@msn.com
  5. I have a 2005 VW New beetle convertible 5 SPd turbo Manual says can be towed 40 or 50 miles @ 50 MPH all wheels down However many folks tell me they tow them all wheels down over 50 MPH and for many miles with no problem.
  6. Can I flat tow a 2005 Volkswagen convertible beetle 5 speed turbo?
  7. Found the gage and I thank all of you for the help. Howard
  8. Does anyone know where I can purchase the attached air gage for my Fleetwood Discovery 39J motorhome? Pictures of the gage attached
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