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Posts posted by jimpat4649

  1. I thank all veterans for their service. I am married to an Army Nurse.

    1. Jerry L "Gunner" Laws

    2. United States Army

    3. 32+ years of active duty. 66-98

    4. Brigadier General USA (RET)

    5. Field Artillery and Army Aviation (fixed and rotary wing)

    6. Fort Sill 4 times, Fort Campbell, Fort Stewart twice, Fort Rucker, Korea,

    Republic of S. Vietnam, Fort Leavenworth twice, Garlstedt Germany,

    US Military Academy, Pentagon, Saudi Arabia,Iraq & Kuwait (Desert Storm),

    Fort Carson, White Sands Missile Range

    Jerry: Has your wife posted her info here?

  2. I want to share this email from Beverly King, Secretary Military Veterans Chapter FMCA

    Fellow Military Veterans Chapter Members, this is the first of two emails which you will receive on what is going on with our chapter and issues you should be concerned with. The emails were done this way so that in order to respond to them all you have to do is hit reply and we’re up to date on your plans and wishes and you know what is happening with your Chapter.

    As the newest FMCA Chapter, plans are underway for the convention in Redmond Oregon. We have arranged for a meeting on Friday August 13th. The schedule will give you the exact time and place but SAVE FRIDAY AFTERNOON! In addition to the business meeting, we are working on an informal gathering for Chapter members to co-inside with an activity which will be going on in Redmond at the same time as the FMCA convention.

    Beginning Wednesday afternoon one of the largest traveling replicas of the Vietnam Wall will be in Redmond and we want to be part of these activities. The Wall will be at Redmond High School and in addition to the wall there will be exhibits, representatives of the Veterans Administration, National Service Officers to answer your questions, representative from all the branches of the Armed Forces and Junior ROTC members to assist attendees to locate relatives and friends named on the wall. We are working with the VFW Post who is sponsoring the event to have our “social event†at the post. Since the Post is located less than a mile from the Fairgrounds you may wish to stop there off and on during the convention. We are working with the Post Commander to make all our members welcome there regardless of whether they are or are not VFW members. More details to follow!

    FMCA is unclear at this time whether or not they will have a Chapter Welcome or Introduction to Chapters Present at Redmond. If they do not have this welcome all the more reason for us to “get the word†out to Vets you meet about our Chapter and encourage them to join before our Friday meeting. Invite them to visit the Wall and encourage them to get involved in the social activities.

    Your President is working on membership badges and he will have two samples for you to decide on in the newsletter which will be send to you in June. Rick Dupuis your National Director has already obtained a “goose egg†for the Chapter to go on the back of your coach. Information on the prices and a picture will be in the June newsletter.

    In the meantime I need your reply on the following: Do you plan at this time to be in Redmond Oregon? Secondly do you plan to attend Perry Georgia in the spring? Do you plan to attend any of the area rallies? Which ones like Western, Southeast Rocky Mountain Ramble etc? We want to schedule “socials and other events that vets might be interested in. We are always open to suggestions... Just hit reply and tell us your schedules and thoughts!

    Thanks Beverly King, Secretary Military Veterans Chapter FMCA

  3. November 2009 RV Doctor Frustrating Fly Infestation

    This article was in response to purchaser of used motorhome who tried using half gallon of ammonia; without success. www.fmca.com/index.php/house-calls/2871-house-calls-november-2009

    Now, on to your bug problem. Evidently you are experiencing an onslaught of sewer flies, also called drain gnats, among other names (some of which cannot be printed here). Depending on your specific variety, the scientific name is probably either Psychoda alternata or Psychoda cinerea. They are sometimes found in RV holding tanks, since they thrive on moist organic waste, especially solid waste. Just the kind of stuff you’d find in a black holding tank, particularly one that has not been cleaned, flushed, or maintained adequately. Chances are, at some point, your new-to-you motorhome was probably stored without the holding tanks being flushed, cleaned, and emptied completely.

    Thankfully, sewer flies do not bite, but they can be very annoying and even dangerous at times. Because they are born among decaying filth and waste, they have the capability to transfer bacteria to kitchen surfaces, etc. Prolific little creatures, they lay their eggs in masses of anywhere from 10 to 200 groups, according to one report I researched. The eggs hatch approximately 32 to 48 hours after being laid, and the larvae resemble small worms. The flies mature in about two weeks and simply keep reproducing until they die or are eradicated. Keep in mind, new adults continue to emerge from the pupae every 20 to 40 hours! The adults live approximately two weeks.

    For short-term relief, published reports recommend using a spray can of an insecticide containing pyrethrins (natural insecticides produced by certain species of the chrysanthemum plant) or resmethrin. A treatment using this type of insecticide should knock the adults down for a while. I must admit, however, that I’ve never personally tried the insecticide route. If you do, always follow the proper safety precautions for pesticide use, especially inside the motorhome. After killing the flies in the immediate area, be sure to sufficiently vent the entire RV. Read the precautions on the spray can carefully.

    But the best defense against long-term infestation is to simply keep the holding tanks flushed and clean during periods of nonuse. In your particular instance, it may be necessary to have your holding tanks hydro-cleaned (visit www.allprowaterflow.com for information about one company that performs this service). Because dried waste can stick to the sides and bottom of the holding tank or clog the tank outlet, simply draining and flushing with fresh water may not be enough to dislodge all contaminants. And as you flush the toilet, the added moisture imbues new life into the larvae, prolonging the infestation. The bottom line is that the toilet drain and the black holding tank must be thoroughly cleaned prior to placing the motorhome in storage.

    Although some people may not favor a holding tank additive, the proliferation of sewer flies is one strong case to indeed employ one. An enzyme-based, formaldehyde-free additive, one that helps digest the solids, is my recommendation. I’ve personally seen an infestation so severe that the flies had backed up into the integral tubing inside the toilet. The toilet had to be completely disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled. It was quite time-consuming. I hope your situation isn’t that bad. But it does mandate at least a complete inspection of the toilet and other components, such as the vent pipe for the black holding tank. It’s not the end of the world, obviously, but it is quite annoying.

  4. Gary,

    Just wanted to post and welcome you and your wife.

    My hubby and I have been fulltiming for 7.5 years and we are both Veterans: Jim was Air Force and I was Navy back in the late 60's early 70's.

    I was sorry to read of your frustrated effort to attend a Rally. I'm sure many other FMCA Members would be rather upset for you as well.

    There probably are Chapters that don't make the efforts they should and maybe skittish with newcomers? But, there was no excuse for what you experienced.

    I hope you will try another Rally and it will exceed your expectations.

    You are part of this Family- the first word of FMCA.

    Safe travels, with lots of smiles along those miles!

  5. Sergeant Major:

    Almost every Chapter will Welcome you as a Guest for a Rally. Don't be surprised if they convince you to become a member!

    Check FMC magazine for the monthly calendar, often with Contact Info for reservations, etc.

    A Chapter that was organized in Albuquerque may be of interest to you: Military Veterans.

    Keep an eye out for other FMCA plates on other units when you are in campgrounds; they are part of your family!

  6. I received this email from Jerry Sweeney and wanted to share the info here.


    All of necessary documents have been delivered (by the chapter secretary) to the FMCA Convention Office here in Albuquerque - so we will be a new chapter within the FMCA International Area.

    Our Formation Meeting was held on Tuesday, 23 March at 3:00pm. Steve Czarsty chaired the meeting and I want to publicly thank him for doing such a OUTSTANDING job. The members voted on all of the things required by FMCA to form a chapter - we ended up with 153 Charter Members!!!!

    The following members were elected to the positions indicated and will serve a two year term (2010-2012)

    President - William (Bill) L Wheeler, F387557

    Vice President - Richard B Auerbach, F375350

    Secretary - Beverly King, F209622

    Treasurer - Phil R Shippee, F389179

    National Director - Rick N Dupuis, F397110

    Alternate National Director - John Lee, F202724

    Our first Business Meeting will be held during the 84th FMCA Convention in Redmond, Oregon (11-14 August). Hopefully many of you will attend.

    I want to sincerely thank each of you for becoming a part of FMCA's newest chapter - please remember your current membership will expire on 31 December 2010 - so ensure you pay your dues prior to that date. Information where to send your dues will appear in the Chapter Newsletters.

    Again "thanks for the memories" and travel safe.


  7. James M. Sennett

    United States Air Force

    5 years 3 months 26 days; 14 Mar 1966 - 9 July 1971

    E 5; Staff Sargeant

    Inventory Management Supervisor 64570;

    Boot: Amarillo TX (Lackland closed due to meningitis);

    Tech School: Amarillo AFB;

    Base Supply: Middletown PA Air Material Area (AFLC) (MAMA);

    6100 Support Squadron (PACAF) Tachikawa AFB Japan;

    347 Supply Squadron (PACAF) Yokota AFB Japan.

  8. I want to share my email from Jerry Sweeney whose time and effort is greatly appreciated in forming this Chapter.

    With additional thanks to his wife Sandy!

    Thank you both.


    All of necessary documents have been delivered (by the chapter secretary) to the FMCA Convention Office here in Albuquerque - so we will be a new chapter within the FMCA International Area.

    Our Formation Meeting was held on Tuesday, 23 March at 3:00pm. Steve Czarsty chaired the meeting and I want to publicly thank him for doing such a OUTSTANDING job. The members voted on all of the things required by FMCA to form a chapter - we ended up with 153 Charter Members!!!!

    The following members were elected to the positions indicated and will serve a two year term (2010-2012)

    President - William (Bill) L Wheeler, F387557

    Vice President - Richard B Auerbach, F375350

    Secretary - Beverly King, F209622

    Treasurer - Phil R Shippee, F389179

    National Director - Rick N Dupuis, F397110

    Alternate National Director - John Lee, F202724

    Our first Business Meeting will be held during the 84th FMCA Convention in Redmond, Oregon (11-14 August). Hopefully many of you will attend.

    I want to sincerely thank each of you for becoming a part of FMCA's newest chapter - please remember your current membership will expire on 31 December 2010 - so ensure you pay your dues prior to that date. Information where to send your dues will appear in the Chapter Newsletters.

    Again "thanks for the memories" and travel safe.


  9. Hello, all.

    Just wanted to say HI to everyone. My wife and I have had a travel trailer for the last five years before finding a very clean 1998 Winnebago Adventurer. We are looking forward to our maiden voyage. I know we will have some questions, being new to a Class A motorhome. We're looking forward to reading the helpful hints and, hopefully, meeting new friends.

    Jim and Mary Perkins

    Hello Jim & Mary,

    From Old members from upstate NY! We're originally from Cheektowaga and have been full-timers since 2002; currenlty in Albuquerque.

    There is a wealth of info on this site and more importantly, a treasure of friends you'll encounter everywhere.

    Wishing you safe and smooth miles with lots of smiles for your maiden voyage.

  10. We replaced the mirror backsplash behind our range with thermoplastic panels available at Home Depot and Lowes that resembles the old stamped tin they used to use for ceilings and such. They are available in several colors, we chose a deep bronze color that is really rich looking and is quite unique. The panels run about $20/ea and depending on the size of the area to cover you might need 3 or 4 of them. Installation is with very strong double back tape and they are easy to cut with simple tin snips. The panels are recomended as backsplash and are safe around the stove as long as they are kept the minimum distance from the heat source which is actually not very far.

    I'd like to do the same. Were you able to remove the mirrors in tact? We have about 7ft of mirror backsplash in three sections. I was considering the same stamped tin.

  11. We haven't been there yet but its on our list.

    One of the overlooked groups of women who served during WWII were the WASPs. The Women's Airforce Service Pilots. They were never given military status and were dismissed at the end of the war. They never received any military benefits or recognition yet their service to the country was immeasurable. They didn't serve in combat, but they freed many pilots to serve instead of doing the routine flying they were assigned. These women flew almost every combat plane produced during WWII from the factory to their assigned units. Many of these flights were overseas. They flew the fighters, bombers and transports that the male pilots flew in combat. These brave women flew over 100,000 of these planes on their first extended flights, making them test pilots though they weren't called that. I'll be looking for some recognition of their contribution at the memorial. These were women who helped break down the barriers for the women who serve today.

    Thanks for the note Capt. Cathe and thanks for your service.

    Please Note the WASPs recognition:

    The first women in history to fly America’s military aircraft will be the first military women recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian award presented by the US Congress. Three of World War II’s Women Air Force Service Pilots (WASP) joined President Obama and others at an Oval Office ceremony on July 1, as he signed into law S. 614, the bill awarding the medal to the WASP.

    "The Women Airforce Service Pilots courageously answered their country’s call in a time of need while blazing a trail for the brave women who have given and continue to give so much in service to this nation since," said President Obama. "Every American should be grateful for their service, and I am honored to sign this bill to finally give them some of the hard-earned recognition they deserve." Created by the US Mint, the medal design will be unique to the WASP.

    No date has been set for the actual award ceremony, which will likely be held in the US Capitol Rotunda.

    1,102 World War II women wore WASP wings and flew over 60 million miles in 60,000 hours across the country for the war effort. WASP tested and ferried new airplanes and other planes after new or repaired parts were installed. They towed targets for antiaircraft gunnery practice, flew searchlight-tracking missions, simulated bombings and even instructed male cadets. While 38 lost their lives in service to the nation, the WASP were not granted veteran status until 1977. It is believed that there are some 300 remaining WASP.

    We hope you will visit the special WASP exhibit,â€FlyGirls of World War II,†which is expected to be at the Women’s Memorial through the end of the year.

  12. We haven't been there yet but its on our list.

    One of the overlooked groups of women who served during WWII were the WASPs. The Women's Airforce Service Pilots. They were never given military status and were dismissed at the end of the war. They never received any military benefits or recognition yet their service to the country was immeasurable. They didn't serve in combat, but they freed many pilots to serve instead of doing the routine flying they were assigned. These women flew almost every combat plane produced during WWII from the factory to their assigned units. Many of these flights were overseas. They flew the fighters, bombers and transports that the male pilots flew in combat. These brave women flew over 100,000 of these planes on their first extended flights, making them test pilots though they weren't called that. I'll be looking for some recognition of their contribution at the memorial. These were women who helped break down the barriers for the women who serve today.

    Thanks for the note Capt. Cathe and thanks for your service.

    Please read the next Post for Info found at the webiste www.womensmemorial.org Women In Military Service for America.

  13. Patricia Ann Kohl Sennett

    US Navy

    July 1969 - July 1972; Plus Two years Active Reserve.

    Hospital CorpsWAVE 2nd Class, E-5.

    Lab 8412/8417 however assigned to Dependents Clinics instead.

    BootCamp= Bainbridge MD; Hospital Corps School= Great Lakes; San Diego Naval Hospital; NAS Miramar.

    Proud to say my younger sister Retired US Army 25 years in Dec 2007, now is lead Finance Officer for the Wounded Warrior program in Landstuhl Germany. Someday she hopes to return Stateside and join FMCA.

  14. I've been on both sides of the coin since my parents were part-timers as they kept a summer home while they RVed the rest of the year (Sept-June). They did this from 1982-2000. I tell people that I had training wheels from them and am now following their tire-tracks; except hubby & I have been full-timers since Oct 2002.

    We used to visit my parents for our vacation time and, if available, rented a unit/cabin in the campground they were at. Sometimes we'd get a kitchenette or even a Bed 'n Breakfast. Or sometimes squeezed in with them. It just depended on how many of us would "visit" them on the road and how long the visit would be. We've also spent a night or two with their camping friends & neighbors in their RV's; as after so many years all together, they often did this for each other.

    Now, we pretty much squeeze family into our MH. Our son & his wife have visited us for about one week each year- especially when we are "away". They live in Ohio and enjoyed visiting us and the tourist spots of: Houston TX, Las Vegas, Mount Rushmore, Salt Lake City. Sometimes they'd get a hotel room for a night or two, mid-visit just to give us all a breather. We have summered in our hometown in NY. The hard part is trying to convice family in NY that we really like sleeping etc in our own bed in the MH and not their guest bedroom! It's taken a few years for them to understand we're not trying to be rude or ungrateful; just more comfortable in our own wheel estate.

    We haven't been able to convice my stepson to allow his boys (ages 8 & 10) to visit us without him; but in the summer they all have been able to go camping along sidie of us-as they bought a small camper trailer for weekend outings.

    As far as parting with things when you chose this lifestyle. Our MH is too full and I also have too much in storage- but it's in the kids' attics and basements. I didn't want to get rid of "everything" as someday, more than likely we'll not be RVing. The most important thing is to pack and have a list of what's in the box or container. Three copies- one with the box, one with you and one with one family member. As far as putting in "paid storage" you have to figure the value of what you will put there and the expense of the storage; or would it be better to just replace it and buy new in a few years? Most of our furniture was kept- and is in use in the kids' households-with the understanding we may want to move it if/when we ever settle down.

    Since you also mentioned about selling your present home & decision of buying another near new job if weather isn't a factor (north with freezing winter pipes etc) could you RV long term in the area? and if it's close to your family is there a campground nearby that you could have an extended stay? I guess because we are from NY (Buffalo area) we want to leave in the winter. My parents summer place was in a summer community in WNY- now with many Park Models and a Storage Area for the RVs. And in Texas the Park Models are used for the winter months and people go north for the summer in their RVs- the opposite of a Snow Bird?

    It's hard to decide and there are many RVers, books and Convention seminars with tons of advice and experience. It may take some trial and error but I'm sure you'll find what works best for you.

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