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We installed the TRW steering box, Van Williams cross braces, and Watts Link. It was the BEST thing we have ever done to our coach. We are now in control when driving instead of our coach being in control. It is amazing -- It tracks straight, and stays in the lane when big rigs pass or now when we pass a big rig. We can even drive for 7 hours. No more white knuckle driving, no more steering wheel correction, no more clunking in the steering wheel, no more wandering, we are in control. Thank you Jim Sanderson and dkruezen for recommending the threads. Excellent advice!!! Thank you CrazyKnight (Craig) and Van Williams for all the research and hard work that went into finding solution to fix these issues. We are so very very thankful. Vibration issue has also been corrected. Two of the rear tires had issues. We now love how our coach handles and look forward to many cross country trips.
Thank you again for all of the good info. Everyone is so helpful. Don't know what I would have done without your good advice. Looking for a good tire shop. Will keep you posted.
We do have a shepard steering box. After reading the threads on the iRV2 forum we have decided to have our steering box changed to the TRW Steering Box and have the Van Williams cross brace and Watts Link installed. We feel confident after reading these threads that these changes will solve our wandering issues. We are also looking for a shop to spin balance our tires on the coach to resolve the vibration issue. If this does not fix the problem does anyone have any other sugguestions as to what is causing the vibration? Will keep you posted.
I have been reading the links given by dkreuzen and Jim Sanderson. Excellent information. Thank you.
We have had our coach at Decatur and Wakarusa (before it closed). They told us to go and get an alignment at a Truck shop and replaced the mirrors. Both did not fix the issues. We just had automatic wheel balancers put on the front tires and the shades no longer vibrate. The mirrors are better but still vibrate more than they should. You can not feel the vibration in the steering wheel or the seats but through your feet. The wandering is still a major issue. The parts are not worn as it had a new steering box installed recently. Trying to find out what steering box is in on our coach but haven't received an answer to that question yet. Looking forward to reading Jim's link he provided. Been away from internet access for a while. Thank you all for your responses.
Thank you for all the great suggestions and information. You have all opened alot of new avenues for us to explore. Hopefully it will help to resolve our problems. I will keep you posted.
Thanks for your fast response. We have been using a well known truck shop that has an excellent reputation. I called and asked about the spin balance on the coach. They said they do not balance on the coach as the equipment to do this is not as good as it use to be so they do not use this method on a coach our size. This shop did not balance the new tires that were put on the coach. They had balanced the old tires and we continued to have the problem. The alignment they gave me says "Before" on the top of the paper so I am not sure what the caster and toe-in are at this point. The paper states caster for the driver side is 6 40 with a toe-in of 2.6 and the caster for the passenger side is 7 30 with a toe-in of 2.6. It is currently at the place we purchased it to try to resolve these issues. After your note I called and asked them to advise me how they balanced the new tires. The problem is we have had this vibration before and after the new tires were put on.
Our 2013 diesel pusher HR Ambassador (38 foot) with Roadmaster chassis wanders and constantly needs steering wheel correction. Also the mirrors vibrate and the shades along side of the driver really vibrate when driving. When stopped and you turn the steering wheel back and forth you can feel and hear a slight clunking noise. We previously owned a Simba Safari Motorhome and had none of these problems. This has occurred since it was purchased brand new. It now has about 17,000 miles on it. We have replaced the mirrors 3 times, 2 alignments, ride height adjustment, tire pressure adjusted, sway bars installed, new shocks, 2 new front tires. We have tire monitors so tire pressure is always correct. Does anyone have any other suggestions. Your help would be greatly appreciated. This is the first time I have ever posted so hopefully have given all the info.