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Posts posted by rfsod48

  1. I'm going to have my rear tires unmounted to install new metal valve stems and I was wondering if I could mount the outer tire of the duals so that the valve stem faces outward so that it doesn't need a curved stem? I have no plans to rotate these tires and it would make airing up much easier.

  2. I just had mh serviced and did have loose front wheel bearing which was serviced, all other components checked out ok. I will try to find ride height and give this to alignment service. If castor needs adjustment should it be on positive or minus side?



  3. I have a Fleetwood Bounder 2005 38' DP that has what I would call a mild tracking problem. When going down the highway at 60-63 mph l have to adjust the steering wheel back and forth to maintain straight line. Passing semis don't cause any problem. I am putting new tires on front end next week and then I will get an alignment, is there anything special I should ask for in alignment? Two wheel verses 4 wheel? Castor and toe in. Any other recommend fixes?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. When buying new tires is the depth of tread an important variable? Logically I would think that a greater depth is a better tire but it seems to me I read somewhere that this isn't always true. Again talking about New tires.

  5. Herman

    What you stated is what I also thought but In his blog Tireman gave a replacement program of replacing the front tires every year for three years and putting the "old" tires on the rear wheels one side at a time. Hopefully he will comment on this.


  6. We used our RM this past weekend for the first time on a 500 mile trip that I am very familiar with and it performed perfectly. I updated it before we left and we had no problems. It got road repair correct. I will be using it again in a few weeks and will see what happens. I tried to use copilot but found it to be a pain and basically a waste of money. Your experiences may vary but this has been mine.

  7. I have been told by several people that low voltage can be a common problem at some parks. Some have recommender an Autoformer. Would a surge protector still be needed and what would the order of connection be from coach to post?

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