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About elebouef

  • Birthday 08/12/1949

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    Redding, CA
  • I travel

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  1. Rich thank you so much. I will get that sensor ordered. I just changed the air cleaner and there is no restrictions in the induction system so it must be that sensor. Ed
  2. Hey Rich, my 2500 MH is actually a 6 speed. I did connect a code reader but there were no trans codes set and I was able to see many different trans. parameters. There was 1 engine code, SPN 102. That code has set 4 or 5 times but nobody seems to think it's a problem.
  3. Thanks Brett, I did have it at the Allison dealer for this problem and they said it was one of the 3 speed sensors but didn't know which one so they replaced all 3 for a cost of $50 for parts and $450 labor and misc. shop charges. Needless to say I'm a little nervous to take it back to them.
  4. Thanks Steve, that may be true. I'll try calling them and see what they say. Ed
  5. Rich, thanks for the info. My keypad (the same as displayed) does not function exactly the way rvtechstop describes the functions. The mode button does not work and the display for economy is not lit. I am unable to enter the diagnostics by pushing the up and down arrow keys and this going into limp mode really scares if I don't catch it as the engine is doing 3200 RPM before I know it. Ed
  6. its a 2013. No issues up shifting. I don't know if the Allision tech scanned the module. No error codes have ben set in the TCM but I did get a code alarm. Thanks Ed Anywhere between 45 and 55 Thanks Ed
  7. Itasca Meridian 34B 340 Cummings Allison MH2500. Have Intermittent trouble downshifting climbing a grade or trying to pass. Sometimes unable to down shift unless down arrow is pushed many times. Will go into limp mode after making a manual downshift and then pushing the up arrow to 6 then stop at a stop sign. Replaced all 3 speed sensors and no change. Key pad will not read out trouble codes nor does the mode function work. Has anybody had this problem?
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