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  1. We are in need of a new vehicle to flat tow behind a motorhome. It seems that every vehicle that we look at we hit a "road block". Subaru says "NO". Many other vehicle no longer make manual transmissions. Any recommendations? We want to purchase a new vehicle, not used.
  2. We need a new toad vehicle and were negotiation with Subaru for a 2016 Forester, manual transmission. Just to be sure, we called Subaru and they said that NO you can't tow it four down. In fact all four wheels need to be off the ground. Has anyone heard anything different?
  3. Our Coach and car were totaled. Need to buy a replacement coach. How do I find a "Blue Book" value on a new 2016 Newmar Ventana? NADA only goes up to 2015.
  4. We are struggling to find good, reliable service. We have an issue with our main slide out and the last place that we used actually made it worse. Our "go to" shop recently closed. We live in Massachusetts.
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