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  1. Everything has been fixed. I cannot believe the diff it is now that the rear axles are running straight, unbelievable. Thanks to everyone for your help.
  2. Hello, everybody, today my Winnibago Tour is being worked on by Frieghtliner of Evansville to fix the rear axle alignment. Hope this fix will work, after that back to the dealer for more warranty work. They will have it for 2 weeks they said to fix the rest of the problem's that I have been dealing with for almost a year now. I now understand that never buy a product that the selling dealer only sells one every once and a while.
  3. I finally got thru to Winnebago and they sent me to Freightliner, and they are going to repair the axles alignment. The Freightliner local shop did not understand the procedure on how to repair so headquarters is helping them thru this, the dealer I purchase that unit should of been more helpful than they were but have not-- been that way from the get go, and Winnebago either. Had to do all the work on my own, I own my own Service business and have a hard time with the dealer and Winnebago attitudes towards there customers, but it is hard anymore to fine really good service and that is way I guess my business has been growing now for 35 years because of outstanding service that we provide, just want to get back on the road, my Friends Thanks to all of you for your help,will give update after it is fixed.
  4. Why Citrus,mine is Bella, I feel like I will never be able to sell this unit if someone knows everything that has gone wrong with this unit and I wouldn't blame them. I'm really stuck and we will see how good Winnebago is. I will let everyone know believe me.
  5. I get what you are saying, you are right, hard to believe that this unit could leave the factory this way, and no history of a collision, this is my first motor home. I have driven large equipment while I work on our family farm, and during my military service, but never thought that this was right till my buddy was behind me. I'm wanting to see what factory is going to do. Freightliner is saying that they do not welded the axle that Winnebago does after they deliver to them so they will not cover the warranty. I have had this unit now 10 months and it has been in for repairs 7 times and several of the repairs are still not corrected out of the 10 months the unit has been in the shop for 2 months total one time they had it for 6 weeks, you would of thought they would of caught this also, just a bad deal all over, just want this fix so I can enjoy my RV life. THANKS FOR YOUR ADVISE.
  6. I have contacted Winnebago thru the dealer we purchased it from and want to follow all the right protocol. Apparently Winnebago welds the axle to the frame after Frieghtliner delivers the chassis to Winnebago. That is why Freightliner will not warranty this. That is what I've been told-- we will see, the dealer had this unit for 5 weeks once to fix 15 different problems and still 5 of them have not been fix as of today. not a good thing, this may get a little dicey.
  7. I purchased a 2015 Winnebago 42QD Tour in June of 2015, have had so many problems with just about everything on this unit, has been in for repair 5 times and still not repaired, last week we were on our way to campsite and a friend of mine was following me, when we stop for a break he told me that the rear of our motor home was way out of alignment, after returning from the trip I took it to a Freightliner dealer in our town, and what he found out was almost to much to bear. After all the trouble we have had with this unit so for, he told me that the 2 rear axles were way out of line and that it would cost $3000.00 to fix and would not be under warranty thru Freightliner due to Winnebago welding the axles to the frame after they received this unit from Freightliner, major repair and that is even if they can fix it right, he also stated that it would be very dangerous to drive, and I've driven this now 13000 miles WOW after all this said has anyone had this problem with this style unit HELP
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