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About TinaH

  • Birthday 01/04/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Amelia, Ohio
  • Interests
    Walking, Reading, Nutrition, Snoopy, Paranormal Shows

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  1. Hehr Window is not signed up to exhibit at FMCA's 85th Family Reunion & Motorhome Showcase in Perry, Georgia, March 14-17, 2001.
  2. Please try the following web site. They were at the 2009 Bowling Green convention. http://www.wheelsto-go.com/
  3. I went online and googled "Cricket." Here is the website address for the Cricket Electric Sport Vehicle: www.ricksesv.com. I have seen this company exhibit at FMCA conventions.
  4. TinaH

    Loss of a pet

    Steven: I'm so sorry for your loss. I too have had to have my beautiful dog put down due to sickness. She was one of my best friends and the sweetest dog I could have hoped for. When we were at the vet's office, they were crying with me. She was actually purchased for my daughter but soon became mine. She would wait for me to arrive from work and be the the first one out the door to welcome me. It is definitely true that a dog is man's. or in my case woman's, best friend. You are right in knowing that your many memories will comfort you and in knowing that your friend is not suffering. Take care!
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