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Everything posted by MLnDavo

  1. We are getting very different answers from salesmen on the single unit washer/dryer combo. The answers vary from great for travel to good but slow and all the way down to total junk and not worth having. For those of you with more experience, what are your opinions and experiences for full timing? Hold out for a stackable or is the single going to be enough for the two of us?
  2. We are roughly 9 months out from buying our first RV-to be used for full timing it. We have had a lot of bad experiences with salespeople....everything from high pressure to outright lying. Could someone please recommend a salesman at Lazy Days for us?
  3. Thanks everyone for the welcome...just to clarify, wife is retired from USAF, but I'm still going overseas as a POC...unfortunately we are a long ways from retirement. We are looking at the full time lifestyle as we have no children, and when I'm home it's for a month or two at a time. Thanks again for the warm welcome!
  4. Hi my wife and I just joined today. We are actively looking for a motor home to full time in. My wife just retired from the USAF, and I am an overseas contractor (POC). We look forward to learning and making friends! We also have 3 dogs that will be joining us on the road. Ideally we will explore the west till Spring, Summer, and Fall...then head to TX, AZ, or back home to FL. We are avid divers, love the out doors, and can't wait to get started. Thanks for letting us in!
  5. My wife and I are getting very serious about RVing full time (planning for Feb 2017), and are looking at budgets. What would be a reasonable number to plan on spending in RV parks per month? We would be summering out west and heading to TX, AZ, or FL for winters. Any projections or advice would be helpful.
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