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  1. What campground in Carrabelle are you staying at? Tim
  2. Are you plugged into 30 or 50 amp shore power? Are all other lights and 120v outlets working in the coach? Your lights are powered by you batteries (hence the need to check fuses). You electrical outlets are 120v and are either powered by your inverter (if you have one) when you are not connected to shore power or just shore power. For that you need to check your breaker box, inverter breaker (if you have one) and, if they are GFI (which I would be surprised if they are since they are in your bedroom), reset the GFI. I am assuming your batteries are fully charged as well, so you need to confirm this to us.
  3. Forced auto update is a non-starter for me. We are full timers having to use data plans from cell carriers and only update when we are at libraries, etc. Tim
  4. We are full timers and there are 3 of us travelling together and using internet, my daughter, my wife and I. I use internet for work which includes basic browser access, but also streaming data that runs for several hours a day. I really need 4G and, so far, it has been rare that I don't get good coverage from at least one if not both. Mountain regions has been our biggest problem in terms of coverage. We have been at this for the last 2 years. I have a Verizon data plan AND a T-Mobile data plan, each with their own mobile internet device. I have two services so that I have a back up in case one goes out or if there is lack of good coverage. I have found working between the two plans I can maximize my data use with the least cost. T-Mobile is cheaper and I have their 18 gb plan that runs me $90 all in. You can double it with an additional chip. I like their plan better because you can roll over unused minutes into the next month (20gb limit on rollover) and you can stream a number of video and audio sites without it going against your minutes. I use my Verizon plan as a filler in that I can change my data plan monthly based on anticipated usage, going up or down as needed. For really major video streaming and software updates we go to local libraries. I have not explored satellite under the understanding the speed is too slow. I set up satellites everywhere we go for cable tv (Direct TV) and certainly it is easy to do with a good tripod. In all I spend about $160-$200 a month on data. Tim
  5. First of all, thanks everyone for your guidance, MUCH appreciated! The unit Tiffin sent was not a replacement Surge Guard Model 41260. but rather what appears to be strictly a transfer switch, a Intellitec Transfer Relay Delay 00-00803-400 Dual Input Genset. Since I had already installed a Progressive Industries EMS-HW50C in front of the old transfer switch and am more comfortable with that unit managing the electrical anomalies that may occur, I think I am more than fine with what they sent me if it is a more reliable transfer switch unit vs. the SG Model 41260. http://rvpowerpartsplus.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=367 Can anyone give me their thoughts and/or experiences? I am getting help installing the unit, and we will DEFINITELY take pictures before we begin the process. Thanks, Tim
  6. I did not see a forum for Insurance. I would highly recommend it so we can discuss providers, policy coverage, claims experience and the like. Tim
  7. I did not see a forum dedicated to insurance and I will suggest one. Does anyone have specific comments on claims experience with National Interstate and Blue Sky? I have a Blue Sky policy (Full Timer, Replacement Value) and am looking to switch to National Interstate with the same (Full Timer, Replacement Value). SInce I am the original owner it appears I can keep the Replacement Value coverage which is REAL important to us Full Timers. National is coming out very competitive with pricing, but I have the benefit of having read my Blue Sky policy and understand coverage. No issues with them at all, just quite a bit more expensive. Tim
  8. Update, called Tiffin and sure enough, mine was considered on the list of potentially faulty units (based on manf period) and they will ship me a new one. I really hope this is it! I will keep everyone posted on this one when it is finally settled. This is why I own a Tiffin and will put them on the top of my list when I upgrade. Tim
  9. Our transfer switch has begun thumping when I try and put a load on our 50 amp service. Initially it happened only when I ran the heat pump, but yesterday it happened after I turned on the electric water heater. Nothing else was running that would take a big draw, just the refrigerator and two computers. We have had this problem over the last 3 weeks and at 3 campsites. We are staying at a Volunteer Village at a Corps of Engineer lake and no no one else in the Village has had an electrical issue (including the folks that were previously in the site). I have a Progressive Industries EMS HW50C in front of the transfer switch and it reads 117 and 122 in lines 1 and 2. It has not tripped and it is much more sensitive than the transfer switch. Has anyone had this experience? Tim
  10. The spots are actually on like bumps on top of the tire, so cracks or depth to them. What about the rough patch on the tire. What might that be? Thanks for your thoughts.
  11. We are retired AND full time Rv'ers with only investment income as income, no retirement income from SS or pensions. We had to put 50% down in order to induce the lending company to finance our purchase of a new Tiffin. That said, we got a 20 year loan and a competitive rate. Our lender is Bank of the West. Tim
  12. Thanks Brett, I am trying the Forum out for the first time and already helpful. I am not sure I will every understand it all...but trying. So if I test the voltage of the line into the battery I should be reading 13+volts like I do with the line leading into the house batteries? Inverter/converter question, what are the most common reasons for the inverter/converter to trip a breaker? My has been tripping over the last 3 or 4 days about 3-4 times daily. A reset works, but again only lasts 5 or 6 hours. I have a good EMS system and nothing is tripping there from low voltage, high voltage, etc.. I am connected to 50 amp shore and have been at this spot for about a month. Would a faultyish transfer switch cause it? It is working, but it has thumped a couple of times when I turn on the heat pump. I thought I would open the box and at least check that everything is torqued down as it should be. Tim
  13. Our inverter is also a converter, so we leave it on all the time. When connected to shore power it is charging the house batteries. I am not sure if the generator when on charges the house batteries and if the converter charges the chassis battery. Anyone know for sure? Tim
  14. Any ideas what the rough patch and spots represent? Any yellow coloration is just pollen, its is snowing the stuff here in Georgia now. I have had the coach for a couple of years, put on 12,000 miles. They were manufactured in March 2013. 255 80R22 5 DOM313 Pic 1.pdf255 80R22 5 DOM313 Pic 2.pdf Thanks, Tim 2014 Tiffin Allegro Open Road 35QBA
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