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About Mtroise46

  • Birthday 12/14/1959

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    Malvern area
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  1. Frisco, one good thing I heard from my insurance is that the license had no impact on their coverage. License requirements vary by State and most insurers ignore that, as long as you have a valid driver's license. So my only risk driving the coach before my Class B was to get a ticket. I talked to cops about it and they said that they weren't even sure of the requirements, let alone those in other States.
  2. Well, I am now the proud owner of a non-commercial Class B driver's license. First, a big "thank you" to Joe, who took time out of a busy weekend to come with me to the DMV. The experience was not the most pleasant, and I'm happy to share with everybody. First, I made multiple calls to the DMV to get some direction. I was told 3-4 times that I didn't need any special test. Then, I was told 3-4 times that I needed a CDL. Meanwhile, I'm looking at the website that says clearly that I need a non-commercial Class B. So after asking multiple times to talk to a supervisor, and then to their supervisor, I worked my way up to someone who seemed to know what he was talking about. 'Call this number, ask for a non-commercial Class B driving test. It will only be a driving skills test, nothing else." So I asked if it changes anything if my motorhome has air brakes. "No, just a driving skills test". OK, so I called mid-May to get an appointment. I live in a Philadelphia suburb, so I'm told that the closest is Norristown, and I can have an appointment in December 2016..... "Excuse-me?.." Yes, December. If I want an earlier test, there's an opening in York in mid-June. "Go on please..." Opening in Reading on June 25th. "YES!! I'll take that!" So Joe and I went to Reading today. We go in the DMV office but we're told that we have to go directly to the test location, which happens to be behind the strip mall. We get there, and we meet the "instructor". He asked me to drive the coach in the middle of the test area, and park there, which I did. He asked me to step out, and tells me that since this has air brakes, we need to do the air brake test.... I very politely explained that the instructions I received from Harrisburg (in writing!) mention only a driving skills test. He said that it's wrong, and I have to do the "pre-trip inspection and tests". Oye.... After some (polite) objection, he asked me to step in the office so we can talk to the supervisor. The supervisor is sitting at one of the stations, helping people like everybody else, but he nicely interrupted what he was doing to explain to me that since my coach has air brakes, I need to do more than just driving. I asked to see if they have a write-up on that, and he gives me the CDL book.... Oh boy, I'm in trouble now... So I asked for his card, predicting that I will fail the test and will need to send a letter to Harrisburg. Jason has no card. Only his supervisor has cards, ad he's not there... How many supervisors are there? I though he was in charge... So as we walk toward the door, a woman who seemed to be in charge stopped us and asked what was the problem. So I explained what I heard from Harrisburg, and she then said something really strange. "You need to know the safety procedures of an airbrake vehicle" (which btw I agree with) "so you will be tested on that; however, it doesn't count toward your final score." Huh??!! On the way out, the instructor says that she's wrong. OK, whatever, let's do it. Back to the coach, I have to act as if I was taking a trip to California. And think out loud! Check tire pressure, fluid levels, make sure doors are closed and locked, and the tanks are properly closed. Get in the coach and check all the lights for turning signals, low beams, high beams, brakes. The instructor is outside and assisting, so I don't need to walk out every time. Then I need to check wipers. I forgot to check wiper fluids and the horn, but he said that he won't fail me for it. Start the coach, check every gauge. Then, the brake test!!! Stop the engine, and pump the brake pedal until it starts beeping and then until the parking brake pops out. Done! Start the coach, and wait until brake pressure is back. Turn off the coach again and see how much psi I lose in one minute. Less than 3psi! we're good. Time for the driving test, which was a breeze, except for one thing. We went under an overpass. After we passed it, he asked me how high it was. Told him it was 14'2", and he seemed totally surprised that I knew. As we get back to the test center, he becomes Mr. "nice guy". he said he's been doing that for 22 years and has been begging the DMV for a motorhome section on the internet. It's crazy to allow people to drive without knowing how to check air brakes. He then proceeded to give me a tutorial on brakes and emergency procedures. Justin had just become my friend! So I passed, but not without doing some homework so I knew how to do a few of the brake things (thanks to Joe who explained what he does with his coach every time he goes out). So again, thanks Joe! I will likely repay the favor with someone else who decides to get his/her Class B. Feel free to reach out! Conclusion: still a very confusing area of DMV requirements and they don't seem to agree internally on what needs to be tested and what actually counts toward the score.
  3. They said that in theory, I should only be driving with someone who has a Class B until I go for my test.. In practice, as we all know, many drive without a designated driver... I checked with the insurance and they said that I would still be covered if something happens. then I check with the authorities, and they said that the only risk if I get pulled over is that I get a ticket (but only if the officer knows about the requirement!). So the risk of driving between now and then seems to be fairly small, unless I missed something. But I absolutely need someone for the test!! My appointment on the 21st is at 1:15, but they had more time available later in the afternoon. Once/if I find someone who can help, I can try to change the appointment to accommodate schedules.
  4. Hi guys! New member here, and a rookie diesel pusher owner in PA, King-of-Prussia area. The posts above are very helpful, and allowed me to argue some of the answers I got when I called PennDot. I heard it all, from "no test needed", to "there's no non-commercial Class B, you'll need a CDL". So where I stand now is that I need a non-commercial Class B. I went to the DMV with a DL-31. They got me my permit and told me to schedule a driving test at the nearest "Commercial" test center. I'm supposed to pick-up my coach next week, and I found a friend of a friend who drives a school bus and could help me with the test, so I figured that we should try to do that the same day I pick up my new motorhome, right? So I called to make an appointment. "Our first available time is on December 1st." ........ excuse me, could you please repeat, the connection isn't very good and I thought you said December. "That's what I said, but I can see if another center has an earlier slot available. June 21st in Reading." Well, the friend of a friend isn't available on June 21st..... Anybody here could help me in finding a designated driver for my test? Happy to compensate for time/trouble.
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