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Everything posted by robrandol

  1. Forgot to add, this coach does have rain gutters, so no way to extend them. I could consider just adding self adhesive rain gutters. You would think that a motorhome that cost this much would have some type of water management for AC units. Most units today have drain tube down the side walls. Not sure if they plug up. So kind of struggling, trying to manage the water but don't want to create a bigger problem. This is way I am looking for feedback. Thanks for all the help.
  2. I think I am going to look into using that rubber extrusion and see if I can route it to the back right corner. As for the pumps that are just little brushless motors that mount directly into the drip pan. Coleman Mach 8 units come with this option. https://www.rvautoparts.com/47233A3091-Coleman-Mach-Air-Conditioner-Condensate-Pump-For-Use-With_p_431485.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwh6XmBRDRARIsAKNInDGW4vpCUWW1R_5ZsQsJBB3gHJSOK_WZAOV4IyE-U064zdNWsXnZ_RsaAnxEEALw_wcB Like everybody says, the biggest worry is algae plugging up the plumbing.
  3. As I have a crowned roof, there is no way I can force the water to the left side. Both AC unit drain on the right side of the crown in the roof.
  4. Bill, Don't disagree, that is one of my concerns, clogged pipes and backup with water. However, the dip pans can backup also and cause the same problem. I guess if I install dedicated drains I will need to blow them out every year. I inspect the gravity drains now every year to make sure Alge or the drain wholes don't get clogged.
  5. Thanks Bill, but I am looking for more of a permeant solution.
  6. I have Coleman Mach 8 air conditioners on my Thor Venetian and the air condensate water run on the roof and exits the roof over the entry steps or at the rear of the full length slide. Anyway it make a mess when running the AC on gravel or grass lots. I am looking at installing condensate pumps with dedicated drain lines. As I have no way of routing them thru the plenum and down the side walls, I am thinking of routing them over the roof and down thru the rear cap to ground. I am looking for some advise if anyone as done something like this. I know the Tiffin Allegro Bus does this. I would be interested to know, what type of pipe works the best and how they are attaching the plumbing to the roof. Dicor lap sealant or nylon adel clamps, etc. If anyone has information or pictures of their install I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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