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Everything posted by rayin

  1. Merry Christmas everyone! My wife is doing better; sale of MH is on hold while we wait and see in the spring.
  2. rayin


    That's great! For an example of how NOT to design a discussion forum website, go look at the newly-redesigned Good Sam discussion forums. It's like the project was sub-let to an elementary school class; I quit that website. Something I'd like to see addressed is the issue of, if a member doesn't join a chapter, they have absoluteiy no say in how the organization operates. This forum is their only channel to management.
  3. rayin


    A few years ago I stopped paying dues because DW became ill and could not travel. This fall she improved enough to begin taking our MH out for short 4-5 day trips this coming spring. This doubling of dues turned her off to FMCA, so I will not be re-newing my membership and removing the FMCA emblems from our MH. This is sad to see happen, when all one has to do is look back and realize when the decline began in ernest, and take appropriate actions to undo what was done to perpetrate the decline. Sure, returning to a MH only club will result in the loss of towables owners, you just have to re-adjust the business accordingly. I initially joined to be part of an exclusive MH club, now there's little difference between FMCA and Good Sam club. Since these forums are open, I will continue to converse with my internet friends and acquaintances as I am permitted.
  4. rayin

    Ride height

    Testing air pressure is not the answer, the only thing that matters is ride-height. The make/yr of your MH is just part of this, the yr, brand and model of chassis also matters. The quickest way to find the ride-height measurments is to call Entrega directly. The other way is to either buy or search the internet for your particular chassis service manual. For instance, I have a 1999 Spartan MM, GT chassis with Reyco-Granning 1200 IFS front end, and Reyco-Granning 240S rear suspension. BTW, incorrect ride-height affects steering and handling. Always have ride-height verified before having an alignment performed.
  5. rayin


    Bob, it is my opinion you/ governing board have 2 choices; #1, Continue on the present path, which is try to please everyone to increase membership; which from my experience never works well. #2. Revert to the old format of being an exclusive club for motorhome owners only, and cater to these members. If a person owns a motorhome they usually have greater finances and enjoy the company of other MH owners. Sorry, I forgot #3. File bankruptcy and hope Harvest Hosts buys the club, with the same downsides as Escapees is now experiencing.
  6. Wayne that is a heavy load to endure. Hang in here buddy. My DW was treated for C-diff(special antibiotic) and after her colonoscopy and upper GI, was declared cured of C-diff and given a clear diagnosis for everything else. She has gained 4# in the past 2 weeks, now weighs 96#. It's gonna take a long time for her to safely get her weight back up to 120# minimum, where the Dr,s want her.
  7. five, I'll be 82 Christmas day. I can still drive our MH just fine, but DW can't travel.
  8. Best wishes for you both! We are at that crossroads now, I have everything repaired/replaced and working in/on our MH. It will hit the for sale adds this coming February 2025. DW is down to 97#, the Dr. found out the problem, she has C-Difficle. She is now on a special antibiotic to kill that bad bacteria, and had a colonoscopy and upper GI this morning. Results of both were A-OK. Dr. said once the C-Diff is under control she'll begin gaining weight. One in 11 people over 65 who have C-Diff die. It's very common in nursing homes and retirement homes, and hospitals, due to ease of transmission.
  9. My local LP retailer also re-fills MH tanks, so that is another option; search phone book for LP retailers. His price per gallon is the same as home delivery, right now $1,99/G.
  10. Must be a FL approved ins. co., to even offer coverage in FL. There are ongoing changes to that list, check with FL state Ins. commission.
  11. The 2 small wires on the solenoid should have constant 12v one and 12v volts on the other when key it turned to start, and constant 12+ on one of the large battery cables. when key is in start position both large battery cable terminals should measure 12v. If that is happening, a cable is defective.
  12. Many are connected to an ACC fuse, some have a fusable link in the line somewhere.
  13. FWIW, I use 50 MPH as average speed when calculating driving distances, this allows for refueling, breaks, etc, and for me is usually accurate. As Jim said, you;'ll find many CG;s open along Interstate 10, but from Amerillo TX West into central NM you might encounter snow, so allow for 1-2 day layovers JIC. Jim mentioned the chain-up laws in some states; my opinion is if the highway is snowy I don't drive. I'm 82, slick roads are not in my driving schedule, I don't even like to drive our MH in heavy rain. It'll take you 7+ days to reach the West Coast, with no delays driving the Southern route from PA. if you drive short days and allow relaxation time later. I normally drive 350 miles/day and stop around 3pm. This pretty much insures I'll find an open site in an RV park and not be so dog-tired I cannot relax and enjoy dinner.
  14. On the end of each solenoid is a manual valve opening, it will either be a T-handle, hex nut, or plastic flip lever. Regardless of type, open it 4 turns or flip the handle 90° to open the valves of the 4 solenoids. The springs will retract the jacks, then close the valves to snug or flip the lever back to the original position. If you have jacks with no springs, use a pry bar to push the jacks to fully-retracted then close valves. As to service, determine your model# leveling system, then follow the troubleshooting section directions in the service manual. You'll find the service manual by googling your model# and service manual.
  15. My DW would've said, " walk, you ain't driving my car". The only time she allows me to drive her car is when I chauffeur her. FWIW, the best driving and riding auto i ever owned was s Lincoln Mark V., but it was not a town car, it liked the open road.
  16. Well, we're waiting_did you save the soup?
  17. Have you ever found a person that has one and uses it successfully? Your purchase comes in a email with a download link, there is no hard copy book to study as you are working to build this device. If it doesn't work, the onus is on you to prove you did everything correctly, how would one accomplish that?
  18. I only get 1 other month too, been that way for 2 years anyway.
  19. rayin

    David Cron

    Since the coach mfgr. has absolutely nothing to do with your issue, you must contact Allison Transmission through one of their many service centers,.
  20. I and many others are not crowd people and thus do not belong to a chapter. This means we have no voice to the organization. Has the EB even thought of addressing this issue?
  21. rayin

    HWH Levelers

    Suggest you contact Paul at AZPETE on the Irv2 forum. He works for HWH and can answer your questions. His email is pfmaddox@att.net and his phone number is 602-549-3638. He is a Commercial Member and has posted that his phone is always on, and if not answered, leave a detailed message, include model# and specific problem. If you don't know the model#, this will help identify. He has helped others on this forum and I am sure he can help you.
  22. The website has current information on CG's and everything else: https://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/conditions.htm
  23. rayin

    HWH Levelers

    Have drive engine running or be plugged into shore power. HWH leveling systems require 13+ VDC to operate properly. Fluid reservoir should be full to within 1" of top when jacks and slide rooms are retracted.. DO NOT use hydraulic oil,, it will cause expensive problems, only use what's specified in the operator manual; which most likely is HWH oil or Dextron III ATF..
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